some of the user does not know how to solve there internet problems with simple technique they can able to solve there internet problems easily after watchin…
Meet us at VloggerFair: vid.io – with iJustine, SoldierKnowsBest, Shaycarl, CTFxC, jon4lakers, BFvsGF, and others! Talk to you in person? vid.io www.lockergnome.com – Drivers are small bits of data used to tell the operating system how to properly communicate with a given piece of hardware. Windows 7 comes with a large library of built-in drivers that are frequently updated by Microsoft, though some companies provide individual drivers for their own devices. This is especially true with newer hardware that hasn’t been integrated into Windows via an update. USB webcams, gaming mice, specialized keyboards, and other devices that do more than just plug in and go may require custom drivers to operate properly on Windows. Rolling back drivers is something that no one enjoys having to do; in most cases, drivers are rolled back because an update either broke or altered the way a device functions that doesn’t improve the user’s experience. Here, we gently go over how to roll back a driver in Windows 7. You can watch the entire live TLDR episode here: youtu.be www.gnomies.com http profiles.google.com twitter.com www.facebook.com
Attention! This episode of (s)NoBoard SEO can be found here stokedseo.co.uk We’re always chasing generic keywords – but often forget to cover the bases on our own brand name! There’s often hundreds of variations of brand searched to our site – “navigational” searches where the user is looking for a specific things and is using Google as the mechanism to find it. I want to make sure you’re given the users what they’re looking for in the SERPs. Remember brand keywords aren’t just your brand or domain name – they’re people, products, events, places – anything you have the exclusive use of in regards to your company.
OTC Pegisys Wireless Set Up Connect the power adapter, to the power adapter port on the bottom of the VCI. It will power up immediately. From Power Up, press the Enter key to enter into the user configuration screens. Select Network Set up Press Enter Select Wireless Press Enter Select Network Press Enter Wireless set up has two modes, Peer to Peer and Access Point, we will select Access Point. At this point, we want to view and connect to the available wireless internet connections. Hit Enter to view. This is the internet connection we will be connecting to, yours should be listed here. Hit Enter to connect to the wireless setting, it is verified. Now we want to hit Escape, go back to the Main Menu and scroll down to Save Set up and press Enter. Your network connection is now saved. Next we need to set up security. Go back into the user configuration and down to Network Set up and down to Wireless, and down to Security. Press Enter and scroll down to the particular setting that matches your router. In this case we are selecting WEP 64. Press Enter and then scroll down to OPEN to set the security key on your system. Use the hexi-decimal controller on the keypad to enter in the number for your security. Press Escape twice and then scroll down to Save Settings and press Enter. We are now going to bind the VCI to the handset. Come in through Utilities, and select Network and then select wireless. We are going to select the Infrastructure Mode in which both the VCI and the …
Prerequisites: A working OTRS installation A working Windows Severver A working ADS Administrator Privellages Aditional tools needed: The Support Tools provided by Microsoft (if not already installed) or an LDAP browser. Your favorite Text Editor. I prefer Notepad ++ Advanced tools: Wintail. This software is invaluable when searching for login problems. You need the following important things for the connection: BaseDN User Attribute IP or DNS name of the Directory Server The full distinguished name of a user to search the directory For the synchronization (and any login for that matter) of User information, your user need to have attributes for: First name Last name Email
www.kosspa.com – Best Wireless IP Security Camera Lorex LIVE Ping Wireless Network Cameras allow you to remotely keep an eye on your home or business through a secure, password protected connection that requires no networking knowledge. See, hear and protect what matters to you most. View on iPhone iPad, Android, or on PC and MAC. An IP camera sends and receives data using a local area network or the Internet. Technically, webcam belongs to this category but the name describes a security camera. Similar to other network devices the IP camera has an IP address which is either statically or dynamically configured. The secure data transmission is provided through encryption and authentication methods. This wireless IP (internet protocol) security camera by Lorex is a 2013 CES Innovations award winner for Design and Engineering! So this is one of the greatest surveillance cameras you can buy. Joining together ease-of-use and creativity for unparalleled convenience, the LNC104 is made with the user in mind with its extremely good, modern design and abundant functions, a nice compliment for the interior décor. The complete initial configuration of the camera settings can be done from your mobile device! Test and set up your cam on just about any gadget – no PC needed. All you are required to do to start your camera is connect it to energy source, get connected to the web employing a Wi-Fi with WPS enabled wireless router, then just scan the QR code on the backside of the camera …
Click here to BUY full Ticket system training : www.udemy.com Help desk ticket system training Help desk software is used by support desk agents (also called operators) to monitor the user environment for issues ranging from technical problems to user preferences and satisfaction. Businesses typically use help desk software to: •answer commonly asked questions with an FAQ or knowledge base •track issues through their life-cycle •streamline and record customer interactions, including phone calls & live chats Help desk software reduces the need to rely upon email-only support, reducing the number of transactions and missed or lost messages. Businesses also use help desk software to track and manage support metrics (also called analytics). Popular metrics include: •Assignment time •Agent productivity •Resolution time •% of tickets solved within 4 hours •Day/time ticket creation TEST TEST PLAY AROUND WITH THIS SOFTWARE . you can also use this in your resume which will give me better chances to get jobs .