February 23, 2013
Prerequisites: A working OTRS installation A working Windows Severver A working ADS Administrator Privellages Aditional tools needed: The Support Tools provided by Microsoft (if not already installed) or an LDAP browser. Your favorite Text Editor. I prefer Notepad ++ Advanced tools: Wintail. This software is invaluable when searching for login problems. You need the following important things for the connection: BaseDN User Attribute IP or DNS name of the Directory Server The full distinguished name of a user to search the directory For the synchronization (and any login for that matter) of User information, your user need to have attributes for: First name Last name Email
Tags: ads, attribute, directory, microsoft, science & technology, support-tools, synchronization, the-connection, user
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
June 13, 2012
Software Synchronization Puzzles Multithreaded applications often require synchronization constraints; for example, we might require one thread to write a value before another thread tries to read it. A semaphore is a software building block that can be used to enforce arbitrarily complex constraints, but getting the details right can be challenging. In the Little Book of Semaphores, I present this material using a series of puzzles, starting with basic patterns, working through classical synchronization problems like Readers-Writers and Dining Philosophers, and ending with some new problems constructed by my students. In this talk I will introduce semaphores, basic synchronization patterns and a few classical problems. I will demonstrate (and test) solutions to these problems using an animated thread simulator called Sync. The Little Book of Semaphores and Sync are available from Green Tea Press. Allen Downey is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Olin College of Engineering in Needham MA, and a Visiting Scientist at Google, Inc. He is the author of How to Think Like a Computer Scientist and several other Free Books.
Tags: acm, animated-thread, college, dining, functioning abnormally, green, multithreaded, press-allen, science & technology, semaphore, students, synchronization, these-problems
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »