November 4, 2011
Free! This tutorial shows you how to play StarCraft II : Wings of Liberty in Lan/Online mode with others using StarFriend. -LAN Mode : Play with others in LAN -Online Mode : Using Hamachi, Play with anyone in the world that own StarFriend! Supported modes : 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, FFA, Co-op vs AI, Left 2 Die, StarJeweled and Aiur’s Chief Version : You need StarCraft II : Wings of Liberty 1.4.1 —————————————————————————————————– Download Links (for those who do not wants to create an account) -StarFriend 0.76 : Password : azer4tyu3iop2tg1b0! -MapCache V3 : -LogMeIn Hamachi : —————————————————————————————————– Got an error? Delete Base10074 in Program Files/StarCraft II/Versions and/or run StarFriend in Administrator mode. Enjoyed this tutorial? Please like and subscribe! If there’s problems just write to me. -Foan
Tags: base10074, buddies, foan200, friend, liberty, play (us magazine), server, starfriend, tutorial, wings
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
October 15, 2011
Internet Connection Sharing is a way to share your internet connection for other computers. It requires two network cards on your computer. It also requires a crossover cable or a switch/hub between your network cards. You can use this if you have to pay for an internet connection. With ICS two or more people can connect while only paying for one. You can also use this to make a machine as a gateway for your office. However, complications arise if you are running a Windows Active Directory domain or already have a DHCP server. This feature is available on Microsoft Windows 2000, xp, vista, 7, server 2000, 2003, 2008. Providing training videos since last Tuesday. Thanks for watching.
Tags: cat 6, computer hacks, computers, do it your self, instructions, mdr electronics, repair, server, vista, windows, windows-active
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
October 14, 2011
click on the link in the video to watch how to access the usb wifi to be able to use this part of the video…. :::::::::::::::::this is where i got bt4 :::::::::::::::::get the final release :::::::::::::::::name bt4-final.iso :::::::::::::::::size 1570 mb which is 1.5GB ::::::af139d2a08597861dc53cabc67b9269 ::::::thats where i got my version ::::::thats what im currently using ::::::all other versions of bt4 might not work with this NOTE: it should be in the video in red saying click here and other letters and words i put in there i forget all but i remember still saying click here hahahahah 🙂 1. Poweron BT4 2. login with root or the user u created 3. startx 4. go to dragon start icon and select internet and then Wicd step 4 is just to show u that u cannot connect 5. open terminal (NOTE: b/c im not in root i use sudo) and type (NOTE: i know its called Konsole but i like to say terminal) sudo start-network (hit enter) now 2 stop it just type sudo stop-network (hit enter) 6. now do step 4 and slect wicd and u should see it load with the connections. selecton and configure it as you see in the video 6. in same terminal type in sudo apt-get update NOTE:synchronizes your package list with our repository. sudo apt-get upgrade NOTE:downloads and installs all the updates available. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade NOTE:downloads and installs all new upgrades. (NOTE: this should update your backtrack 4) ———————————————- aircrack? 1 …
Tags: dummies, education, file, lan, more-designed, networking, remember-still, select-internet, server, time, user, versions
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
October 14, 2011
This is a tutorial on how to connect your time capsule to the internet and to access the wifi drive over the internet. Note: You will NOT be able to test the results of this tutorial from within the network, try accessing it from outside your network. This is more designed for macbook users who take their computer outside the network. Apple script: tell application “Finder” try mount volume “afp://ipaddress” as user name “UserName” with password “Password” end try end tell
Tags: applescript, education, file, from-within, lan, more-designed, network, networking, remote, server, the-internet, time, try-accessing, wired
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
July 6, 2011
+Read Here+ LiNk MInecraft Server Ip: Please give a thumbs up, comment and subscribe
Tags: bf2, cod, cod4, fix, fps, mouse, piano, pwnagetoolz, red, return, server, starcraft, xbox
Posted in Mouse & Keyboard Problem | No Comments »
June 19, 2011
When setting up your server-based software for business, gaming, VoIP, and online media streaming, your firewall settings may give you problems. This video explains firewalls and how to create rules so you can use your software, and is part of a series of tutorials about how to make your computer accessible from the Internet, found at
Tags: create-rules, diy, firewall exceptions, internet, managing firewalls, media-streaming, remote access, remote computer access, remote software access, server, settings-may, video, video-explains
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »