(866) 401-3515 – Slow Computer Antivirus Support – 24/7 Remote Repair Slow Computer Computer Support (866) 401-3515 Call Toll-Free Is your Slow Computer comp…
Our IT department gets a call from “Steve” saying our computer that was “infected” and it notified them and he can help fix it for us. Little did Steve know that he called an IT department and we used a Virtual Machine as our ‘broken computer’. Hilarity ensues… Warning: some foul language is used! The first 20 minutes goes slow… it picks up around 23:26 Use the following bookmarks to skip through the call… 2:20 – Has us type command “inf” (C:Windowsinf) and shows us these are the ‘corrupted internet files that hampers the performance of the computer’ 4:00 – He tells us he will be getting rid of them for us… hopefully it speeds up our computer! 5:32 – Has us go to the remote control site (ammyy.com) 6:30 – Remote control site if you can see, one of the reviews on the right says 8:00 – We mute him and discuss how far we are going to take it 8:18 – Bohack calls him Hagi 9:05 – “Steve” now has remote access and brings up Event Viewer to show us the errors 9:27 – Applies a filter to only display ‘Application Errors and Warnings’ 9:55 – Bohack has to go teach his MCITP class so Nate steps in as his 19 year old son. 10:48 – Jimmy Janglenuts (Nate) introduces himself 11:18 – His name is “Steve” 12:00 – Jimmy asks why there are so many errors and he explains what we were doing was making it corrupt 12:50 – Tell us we have to renew the ‘certificate of the computer’ 13:33 – Shows us the Microsoft Authenticode that was vaild from 1995-1999 14:00 – I argue with him that it’s …
Taito Egret II arcade cabinet with Ceronix 15kHz monitor. The cabinet has been like this since delivered. The cabinet was working OK before shipping. The behaviour is the same whether using MAME PC or JAMMA board. Sound appears to be OK and emitting through the speakers correctly. I have checked connections from the monitor to neck board and chassis and all looks OK. I have adjusted the pots from the remote board, pots on the front and rear of the chassis and still the same picture. Anyone have any ideas as I’m hoping something has moved during delivery. Thanks
Taito Egret II arcade cabinet with Ceronix 15kHz monitor. The cabinet has been like this since delivered. The cabinet was working OK before shipping. The behaviour is the same whether using MAME PC or JAMMA board. Sound appears to be OK and emitting through the speakers correctly. I have checked connections from the monitor to neck board and chassis and all looks OK. I have adjusted the pots from the remote board, pots on the front and rear of the chassis and still the same picture. Anyone have any ideas as I’m hoping something has moved during delivery. Thanks
Taito Egret II arcade cabinet with Ceronix 15kHz monitor. The cabinet has been like this since delivered. The cabinet was working OK before shipping. The behaviour is the same whether using MAME PC or JAMMA board. Sound appears to be OK and emitting through the speakers correctly. I have checked connections from the monitor to neck board and chassis and all looks OK. I have adjusted the pots from the remote board, pots on the front and rear of the chassis and still the same picture. Anyone have any ideas as I’m hoping something has moved during delivery. Thanks
Taito Egret II arcade cabinet with Ceronix 15kHz monitor. The cabinet has been like this since delivered. The cabinet was working OK before shipping. The behaviour is the same whether using MAME PC or JAMMA board. Sound appears to be OK and emitting through the speakers correctly. I have checked connections from the monitor to neck board and chassis and all looks OK. I have adjusted the pots from the remote board, pots on the front and rear of the chassis and still the same picture. Anyone have any ideas as I’m hoping something has moved during delivery. Thanks
Taito Egret II arcade cabinet with Ceronix 15kHz monitor. The cabinet has been like this since delivered. The cabinet was working OK before shipping. The behaviour is the same whether using MAME PC or JAMMA board. Sound appears to be OK and emitting through the speakers correctly. I have checked connections from the monitor to neck board and chassis and all looks OK. I have adjusted the pots from the remote board, pots on the front and rear of the chassis and still the same picture. Anyone have any ideas as I’m hoping something has moved during delivery. Thanks