June 25, 2012
www.windowspasswordrecover.net — Looking for a safe way to reset your Windows password? You are HERE! You don’t need overrated and overpaid technicians to do it for you. Watch this amazing and revolutionary way of how to reset any Windows password without having any difficulties. Even the most average computer users with basic knowledge can perform such operation with this piece of software. Just watch and do it a like PRO. Support for basically every brand of PC Laptops and all platform XP / Vista and 7.
Tags: cracker, database, disc, fix, lost, need-overrated, pdf, professional, recover, retriever, server
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
May 10, 2012
Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Course Length: 45 Minutes Tracks Security/ Data Integrity Prerequisites None Purpose of Class This class introduces you to the basic concepts of computer backups. Topics Covered Types of Backups Media Used for Backing Up Data Software Used to Backup Data Online Backup Technologies Advice for Maintaining Backup Procedures Class Notes Types of Backup Full — backup everything Incremental — backup everything since the last incremental backup Differential — backup everything since the last Full backup Rsync — backup the bits that have changed in the files Combined — modern backup software uses a combination of techniques Formats of Backup Compressed Bare Metal — allows you to recover not just files, but the entire operating system Readable Software Problems — not all backup software is made the same Media Online FTP Hard Drive Tape CD or DVD Flash Drive /External Offsite Backup is a good idea, but no one ever does it. Software Microsoft’s built in backup has a poor track record Server vs. Workstation — The software is different and the Server backup software costs around $600-$1000 Add-ins — You may need special add-ins for your backup software to backup Microsoft SQL databases or Exchange servers. Online Backup Solutions Only backup files, does not do a “bare metal” backup It can take a long time to backup or recover data Final Thoughts Check your log files Do a test recovery
Tags: backup, backup-the-bits, final-thoughts, intro, media, microsoft, minutes-tracks, online-backup, security, server, since-the-last, solutions-only
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
March 1, 2012
Swedish minecraft tutorial: www.youtube.com My how to make a minecraft server playlist: www.youtube.com My WEBSITE: adrianisentech.blogspot.com YouTube Main Channel: www.youtube.com YouTube 2nd GAME Channel: www.youtube.com Third Viral Video Channel: www.youtube.com Twitter: twitter.com Subscribe for more videos! Thanks. 🙂 Links: Source: www.filehippo.com ci.bukkit.org @echo off java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui pause Mirror bukkit 428: uploadmirrors.com Download the 2 files I used in video here: uploadmirrors.com REMEMBER: How to creat a .BAT file ——————————– First creat a new text doc. in the directory of your file, then type the thnig in and go to file save as and at the end of the name type .bat at the end. when changing name of the jar you must change the name in the text document you put in for the start server”{@echo off java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui pause}-should have been {@echo off java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui pause} PROBLEMS: Java problem? “I was having the same problem as you afrosargent, what daedal was trying to get at is that the “start server.bat” for the minecraft server is looking for java in the wrong place or something. So what you do is first locate java.exe at either C:/WINDOWS/SysWoW/java.exe or C:Program Files (x86)Javajre6binjava.exe then you find the “start server.bat” for the minecraft server and right click it. there should be the …
Tags: bukkit, change-the-name, download, game, having-the-same, installing bukkit, installing mc server, minecraft, nogui-pause, server, setup, type-the-thnig, video
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 28, 2012
www.PasswordResetterSoftware.com — Cannot login to Windows? Bypass the Windows login screen in case of forgotten password with this software solution. Password Resetter will search for the password and recover it automatically, you just need to sit and relax. It works on Vista, XP and Windows 7.
Tags: access, account, break, cracking, disc, finder, folders, log, privileges, return, server, window, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 28, 2012
Here is a fix for the “Invalid server key” error that you get in 1.0. Download: www.sk89q.com Original Thread:www.minecraftforum.net Credz to sk89q 🙂
Tags: credz, florida, howto & style, key, key (instrument), lord, minecraft, mobile device, red, return, rings, server
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 20, 2012
READ!!!!! This is REAL i have found a way how to do it on windows 7 comment if u have any problems this is for 1.0.0 too i thinks Plugin Link: forums.bukkit.org Guys if you can not build or brake anything and you have other plugins installed on your server one of the main problems are that you need to be promoted to member if you have permissionsEX to do that you have to do: /pex promote (your name here) or if it is a private server you need to to op yourself
Tags: amazing, build-or-brake, creeper, halo, helpful, how to, plugin, random, server, software tutorial
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 2, 2011
Hi all, Antivirus or anti-virus software is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including but not limited to computer viruses, computer worm, trojan horses, spyware and adware A good Antivrus is AVG as I have been using it for the past 8 years no regrets I have AVG 2012 installed and cracked until the year 2018. If you check the site you get a trial version. free.avg.com Who wants to spend money?…… NOT ME!!!!!!..lol. Well I have put to gether this little tutorial and instructions on how to get it like me. IMPORTANT!!!! never run more than one Anti Virus as it will have conflicting processes and can cause harm to your machine.Very Important 1) Go to the link www.mediafire.com link in description and download the essential files. 2) Extract them anywhere that is easy to remember 3) Uninstall your current Anti Virus 4) Restart your machine 5) Install the file avg_isct_stb_all_2012_1873_free 6) Double click the AVG Installer and let it work its magic 7) You are done….XD If you have problems in downloading or installing you can send me a message cyberstream666@gmail.com Enjoy!!!!!
Tags: alpha, business, functioning abnormally, hackstrick, ocean, progressive, server, software tutorial, techno, trance
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 2, 2011
One of the common problems that face SQL Reporting developers is to display images stored in a SQL Server database that was imported from Access database.
Tags: business, common, fix, functioning abnormally, microsoft sql server, server, software tutorial, ssrs, the-common
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 27, 2011
Please Show More 😀 Thank you for viewing this video please comment if you have any problems with the server. Links: Bukkit: ci.bukkit.org Setting up a server link (code for notepad): wiki.bukkit.org Bukkit website for plugins: plugins.bukkit.org Notepad++ link: notepad-plus-plus.org ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Extra tags(ignore please): How To Make Bukkit Server With Portforwarding and Plugins Howto “Make (software)” Help “Software Tutorial” Tips “Server (computing)” “Computer Software” Windows Basic “Microsoft Windows” Linux starting to make server cod mw2 mw3 editzzzz amazing mrfantasmo 16:9 hd 1080p hdmi
Tags: amazing, bukkit, functioning abnormally, ignore-please, please-show, portforwarding, server, software tutorial, starting, tutorial, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 4, 2011
===========READ ME=========== Link to template: www.mediafire.com Link to text: www.mediafire.com Link to brushes: www.mediafire.com Please subscribe and message me if you have any problems
Tags: backround, buddies, channel, easy, foan200, howto & style, liberty, make (magazine), make (software), play (us magazine), server, starfriend, tutorial, youtube
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »