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Free! This tutorial shows you how to play StarCraft II : Wings of Liberty in Lan/Online mode with others using StarFriend. -LAN Mode : Play with others in LAN -Online Mode : Using Hamachi, Play with anyone in the world that own StarFriend! Supported modes : 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, FFA, Co-op vs AI, Left 2 Die, StarJeweled and Aiur’s Chief Version : You need StarCraft II : Wings of Liberty 1.4.1 —————————————————————————————————– Download Links (for those who do not wants to create an account) -StarFriend 0.76 : www.fileserve.com Password : azer4tyu3iop2tg1b0! -MapCache V3 : www.fileserve.com -LogMeIn Hamachi : secure.logmein.com —————————————————————————————————– Got an error? Delete Base10074 in Program Files/StarCraft II/Versions and/or run StarFriend in Administrator mode. Enjoyed this tutorial? Please like and subscribe! www.youtube.com If there’s problems just write to me. -Foan