HERE TO SHOW YOU ALL how to fix crashes from the start .. DUE TO THIS THE GAME DOES NOT EVEN START .. FIX 1. ReNAME The Battlefield 3 ™ folder to Battlefield 3 (WHERE EVER YOUR GAME IS INSTALLED AT) 2.Start /REGEDIT/ Edit /Find /Battlefield 3.find all Battlefield 3™ Names click on them and reNAMED THEM to Battlefield 3 without the ™ find next in-till there isn’t any more Battlefield 3 names 4.load Origin go to your battle log and open any Mode Quick Match or join a server better ..should load check the background process and should be there loading (please note you mite need punkbusters for this to work now ) DOWNLOAD LINK www.evenbalance.com PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME if any other error if you haven’t already here the update files if not updated already www.fileserve.com and missing files if not already www.wupload.com How to Fix Battlefield 3 Random Crashes – make sure you have downloaded and installed your latest graphics drivers on your machine – according to DICE themselves, the Battlefield 3 crashes might be caused by the fact that some graphic cards come overclocked from the factory and they recommend to drop some of these settings. This is a fairly extreme fix and personally I wouldn’t recommend trying it unless you really know what you’re doing – another suggested fix by DICE themselves is to repair the game (right click Battlefield 3 in the Origin menu and select repair) — this will install an update that will hopefully fix your game crashes – Try setting …