February 28, 2013
In this video I will show you how to get your virtual pro’s rating up a lot quicker than just playing normal matches. The best ways are below and will also be shown in this video. Write down what accomplishments your going to aim for in a match Play against the computer and change there formation Also you can change there ratings, so put them all to 1 overall You can also set it so there goalkeeper takes all free kicks and penaltys, this will give you a great chance to counter attack against them. Also set your guy for set pieces as then you can aim for the free kick accomplishments and over set piece ones.
Tags: great-chance, pieces-as-then, playing-normal, shows, slow working computer, video, virtual, virtual-pro
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
February 28, 2013
In this final videocast about Oracle RAC Virtual IP’s, Alex Gorbachev explains why Oracle recommends to add VIP’s to DNS name resolution and why sometimes you can see weird ORA-12545 errors.
Tags: final, functioning abnormally, gorbachev, name-resolution, oracle, rac, science & technology, virtual
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 5, 2013
Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: March 24, 2010 Length of Class: 42 Minutes Tracks Servers Prerequisites None Purpose of Class This class explains the basics of licensing for servers and the common pitfalls that are run into Topics Covered Open Source Server Licenses Access Licenses Overview of Microsoft Licensing The Problems with Piracy Class Notes Open Source Open Source does not mean free!!! Free Speech vs. Free Beer Service Contracts may be required Non commercial use may be free Types of Server Per server — Per Physical Server, or Virtual instance of a Server Per socket — Per CPU in Server Per core — Per Total Number of Cores in Server. Access Licenses Microsoft refers to Access Licenses as CAL’s Seat — Per device that will connect to the server Session — Per concurrent connection to the server User — per user account on the server Microsoft Licenses OEM — Cheapest, but only good for 1 computer Retail — Very expensive, but can be used for life Volume — Best bet for companies with 10 or more employees. Allows for ghosting of computers Pirating Just don’t do it If they are too cheap to use legitimate software they’re probably too cheap to pay you. Final Thoughts For Volume Licensing always call CDW. They will give you a free quote so you make sure you’re buying the right licenses. Resources My Account Rep at CDW is Lauren Booth at 877-741-4552 . She’ll treat you well. Just tell her Eli the Computer Guy sent you.
Tags: class, final-thoughts, functioning abnormally, licenses, licenses-access, licenses-as-cal, minutes-tracks, physical-server, retail, server-access, source, speech, thoughts, topics-covered, virtual
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 10, 2013
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to configure your wireless network connection in a BackTrack 5 virtual machine. To configure the network, I am using the wicd network manager, which comes pre-installed with your BackTrack 5 bundle. If you want to learn how to configure a wired or bridged internet connection in BackTrack 5, refer to my tutorial: “How To: Configure a Wired Network Connection in BackTrack 5” youtu.be I’ve been getting lots of questions about wireless network adapters and virtualization software. For virtualization software, I recommend: – VMware Fusion 5 ($50) www.vmware.com – Parallels Workstation ($57) www.parallels.com – VirtualBox (Free) www.virtualbox.org For an external USB network adapter, I highly recommend – Alfa AWUS036NHA store.rokland.com The Alfa network adapter is good for everything… it supports monitor mode, packet injection, fake AP broadcasting, and a lot more. It’s good for cracking WEP and WPA encryption, packet sniffing, wardriving, man-in-the-middle attacks, fake AP attacks, and more.
Tags: backtrack, connection, diy, howto & style, mware-fusion, network, network-adapter, tutorial, using-the-wicd, virtual, wicd-network, wired-network, wireless
Posted in Wireless Network Setup | No Comments »
January 3, 2013
Our IT department gets a call from “Steve” saying our computer that was “infected” and it notified them and he can help fix it for us. Little did Steve know that he called an IT department and we used a Virtual Machine as our ‘broken computer’. Hilarity ensues… Warning: some foul language is used! The first 20 minutes goes slow… it picks up around 23:26 Use the following bookmarks to skip through the call… 2:20 – Has us type command “inf” (C:Windowsinf) and shows us these are the ‘corrupted internet files that hampers the performance of the computer’ 4:00 – He tells us he will be getting rid of them for us… hopefully it speeds up our computer! 5:32 – Has us go to the remote control site (ammyy.com) 6:30 – Remote control site if you can see, one of the reviews on the right says 8:00 – We mute him and discuss how far we are going to take it 8:18 – Bohack calls him Hagi 9:05 – “Steve” now has remote access and brings up Event Viewer to show us the errors 9:27 – Applies a filter to only display ‘Application Errors and Warnings’ 9:55 – Bohack has to go teach his MCITP class so Nate steps in as his 19 year old son. 10:48 – Jimmy Janglenuts (Nate) introduces himself 11:18 – His name is “Steve” 12:00 – Jimmy asks why there are so many errors and he explains what we were doing was making it corrupt 12:50 – Tell us we have to renew the ‘certificate of the computer’ 13:33 – Shows us the Microsoft Authenticode that was vaild from 1995-1999 14:00 – I argue with him that it’s …
Tags: broken-computer, comedy, control-site, department-gets, diy, event-viewer, fix it, janglenuts, mcitp, performance, remote, remote access, the-computer, virtual, virtual machine
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
December 14, 2012
www.vkernel.com This powerful, free tool (bit.ly installs on your Windows desktop in minutes to monitor, diagnose and resolve performance issues in application VMs. Monitor your five most important VMs and see detailed data on how these applications are running in your virtual environment: * Are VMs having performance problems? * Which resources are causing potential performance problems? * 30-day history to spot transient issues.
Tags: data-on-how, detailed-data, most-important, science & technology, spot-transient, virtual, windows, your-virtual
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
September 3, 2012
This is the curved (!) screen in our reality center of the University of Groningen. We just finished building our own touch detection for it. We used six Optitrack v120 slim camera’s which have a good sensitivity for infrared light. We used 16 cheap infrared emitters (the kind used for security systems) with a total of 1000 LED’s. The touch detection software runs on three old computers each with two camera’s connected. One extra computer combines the output from the detection computers and send event data to our main visualization system. This way we have (even using the old computers) enough processing power to be able to run the detection software at 60Hz and with a latency between 30 ms and 50 ms. It can detect without any problem 100 different touches at any time (more is possible, but it becomes slower) We used a modified version of Community Core Vision (CCV) 1.4 (nuigroup.com) (modified so it can do two camera’s on one computer). The communication protocol is preferable TUIO (tuio.org) and we did install Multi-touch Vista (multitouchvista.codeplex.com), which translates TUIO events to WM_TOUCH events for windows 7. The demos you see in the video are from Multitouch for Java(tm) MT4J (mt4j.org/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page). The part where the wizards are throwing fireballs at each other is using msafluid (project home is at msavisuals.com/msafluid ). The curved screen itself is consist of a 3 mm dark acrylic layer, coated with a diffuser on the front. Illumination …
Tags: computing, integration, mdt 2010, projection, science & technology, touch-detection, university, using-msafluid, virtual
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
August 18, 2012
A “simple” (by comparison to similar guides, anyway) guide to an overly complex process that took well over 3 hours of searching tutorials to get right. Basically, it’s to download and run android marketplace apps on your PC instead of a phone/tablet. I advise that you acquire these files from an android device and then transfer them to your PC first. Make sure you have the rights to use these files! All of this is for PC. It should work on Linux as well. I don’t care about macs and if you’re trying to do anything other than look pretentious in public, you should buy a different computer. No, I don’t care that it can run windows. So can a real computer. To start things off, you need these files: 1. Android Dev Bridge (Included along with #2 here: www.mediafire.com ) 2. Oracle’s Virtual Box VM software (note: if you have other VM ware, use this anyway due to:) 3. Buildroid for Virtual Box (Found here: buildroid.org ) 4. Up to date .net framework, java, and other such goodies. 4.5 If you get errors with #1, install the android dev kit from dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r12-windows.zip Steps: 1. Install VirtualBox 2. Make sure all your background extra stuff like Java and .net framework is up to date, just in case 3. Download and run Buildroid to load up a pre-configured, pre-compiled virtual android tablet. 3.5 If you get any errors here, consult the buildroid site linked below, or post in the comments. The site is very handy at resolving these! 4. Run the ADB 4.5 Any …
Tags: background, bridge, buildroid, buildroid-site, dev, emulate, games, install-virtual, overly-complex, rights, transfer, virtual, virtualbox, your-background
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
June 7, 2012
Introducing Wasabi 360 Ultra automatic drive key extraction – no need for expensive third party drive key extraction hardware, simply plug and play. Initially we show the Xbox booting up with a fresh Wasabi 360 Ultra with no saved drive key (nor key.bin on the HDD), thus the “drive key not found” error is displayed. Then, the Xbox is rebooted while holding the LEFT button on Wasabi 360 – this enables key extraction mode. The process is very quick and once complete, you can navigate to the virtual ISO to see the result of the key extraction operation. Once the drive key has been extracted, it is saved onto the Wasabi 360 Ultra’s onboard storage and on each subsequent Xbox boot the previously saved drive key will be retrieved and used automatically. The automatic drive key extraction feature currently supports all Xbox Slim Liteon 16D4S drives, and support for the various Xbox Phat drives is currently under development. Automatic drive key extraction for Xbox Slim’s will be included in the upcoming v1.2 BETA 2 firmware release.
Tags: automatic-drive, been-extracted, cd/dvd drive problem, each-subsequent, enables, key-extraction, onboard-storage, once-the-drive, rebooted-while, science & technology, ultra, upcoming, virtual, xbox
Posted in CD/DVD Drive Problem | No Comments »
January 8, 2012
Reliability View the complete course at: ocw.mit.edu License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at ocw.mit.edu More courses at ocw.mit.edu
Tags: complete, courses-at-ocw, education, fix it, modularity, networks, the-complete, virtual
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »