Introducing Wasabi 360 Ultra automatic drive key extraction – no need for expensive third party drive key extraction hardware, simply plug and play. Initially we show the Xbox booting up with a fresh Wasabi 360 Ultra with no saved drive key (nor key.bin on the HDD), thus the “drive key not found” error is displayed. Then, the Xbox is rebooted while holding the LEFT button on Wasabi 360 – this enables key extraction mode. The process is very quick and once complete, you can navigate to the virtual ISO to see the result of the key extraction operation. Once the drive key has been extracted, it is saved onto the Wasabi 360 Ultra’s onboard storage and on each subsequent Xbox boot the previously saved drive key will be retrieved and used automatically. The automatic drive key extraction feature currently supports all Xbox Slim Liteon 16D4S drives, and support for the various Xbox Phat drives is currently under development. Automatic drive key extraction for Xbox Slim’s will be included in the upcoming v1.2 BETA 2 firmware release.