Fix Common Problems With Your Computer Windows 8 or 8.1 can sometimes have common issues with audio sound, video / graphics drivers, firewall problem, windows updates, network adapter and…
In this tutorial, I am going to teach you how to configure a wired network connection between your host computer and a virtual machine. For my virtualization software, I am using VMware Fusion 5 on a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.7. My guest operating system (virtual machine) is BackTrack 5 R3. If you want to learn how to configure a wireless network connection in a BackTrack 5 virtual machine, refer to my tutorial: “How To: Configure a Wireless Network Connection in BackTrack 5.” youtu.be
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to configure your wireless network connection in a BackTrack 5 virtual machine. To configure the network, I am using the wicd network manager, which comes pre-installed with your BackTrack 5 bundle. If you want to learn how to configure a wired or bridged internet connection in BackTrack 5, refer to my tutorial: “How To: Configure a Wired Network Connection in BackTrack 5” youtu.be I’ve been getting lots of questions about wireless network adapters and virtualization software. For virtualization software, I recommend: – VMware Fusion 5 ($50) www.vmware.com – Parallels Workstation ($57) www.parallels.com – VirtualBox (Free) www.virtualbox.org For an external USB network adapter, I highly recommend – Alfa AWUS036NHA store.rokland.com The Alfa network adapter is good for everything… it supports monitor mode, packet injection, fake AP broadcasting, and a lot more. It’s good for cracking WEP and WPA encryption, packet sniffing, wardriving, man-in-the-middle attacks, fake AP attacks, and more.
Some of you corporate or higher education people may have to use “VPN” to access sensitive files from home. For example, my workplace uses Cisco AnyConnect VPN. Unfortunately Mac users got the shaft here. Some of you may have issues connecting to VPN, where you get immediately disconnected. Instruction: 1. Go to System Preferences 2. Go to iCloud or MobileMe depending on which service you have 3. Disable Back to My Mac The reason Back to My Mac conflicts with Cisco VPN is because of an “adapter conflict”. Your computer has a bunch of “network adapters”. Back to My Mac uses a network adapter called utun0. Guess what, Cisco likes utun0 too. So what happens is that when you turn on your computer, your computer immediately uses utun0, making it unavailable. When you try to use Cisco VPN, it will not be able to find utun0 anymore, thus disconnecting you right away.
This Comprehensive Tutorial Will Teach You How To Troubleshoot and Fix Your Internet Connection. Download Links: www.piriform.com It Will Demonstrate 5 Methods: 1. Installing A Network Adapter Device Driver 2. Changing and Disabling Proxy Settings 3. Disabling Work Offline Mode 4. Disabling Use Automatic Configuration Script 5. Changing Homepage to a Valid URL. All These Demonstrations Work The Same For Every Browser: In Google Chrome: Click Customize and Control Google Chrome To Access Settings. In Internet Explorer: Select Tools and Internet Options To Access Settings. In Firefox: Select Tools, Then Options, Then Advanced, Then Select Settings To Access Settings In Safari: Find The Tools (Display A Menu of General Safari Settings), Then Click Preferences, Then Advanced To Access Settings. Music is Provided Royalty Free By: Artist: Kevin Macleod Song Title: Eastminister [3RD ROW DOWN] Direct Link to Song: incompetech.com This Music is Protected under the Creative Commons License.