Me telling you how to fix it. Go to your settings go to network settings go to the bottom DISABLE the Media Server thing (im not sure if thats the right name…
Out dated the new 660 is out now i dont have an xbox 360 any more so if it doesnt help sorry stop sending messages i cant help you becuz xbox live bann me i now play on pc . pc games are the real way for playing a games noobs play on console.Here is how you do it. Open up the modem’s interface by going to type the default modem password “1234” and go to firewall. Go to default policy and set everything to permit. Save the settings. From the main menu, click “UPnP” and check all the check boxes. Save the settings. After doing this, if you run a network test on the 360, it should show the NAT is now open. Please let me know if this helps. it does not work for everyone but give it a try if not call embarq i do not have an xboz 360 account any more
Plug & Play IP Cameras (goo.gl are a small-scale indoor video surveillance setup, these cameras avoid the hassle of installing the cameras, running video cables, and setting up a DVRs. We previously released a short tutorial on how to install these cameras “IP Cameras from Monoprice — Part 1”, today is our second episode, “How to set up your IP Cameras wirelessly — Part2”. To Install the IP Cameras wirelessly is really simple. The first thing you have to do is make sure you install the software suite that is located on the included CD, Double check your connections. Be sure your camera is setup like we demonstrated in our previous tutorial. The next step is the set up of the camera. Navigate to the Software and open the Application. On the left side of your screen look for the auto search window, select the camera you want to be wireless. Right click your mouse, this is going to pop a Web configure window, click on it. One more window will appear asking you for the authentication of the server, type in the User name and the password. Then will appear a new window, “The Camera settings” On the left side click the Network button, then click the WiFi Security button. Here will appear the settings of your network detected by your camera; you can edit these settings any time. Make sure the settings are correct! After you check the settings, go ahead and click the “Save & Apply” button located on the bottom of the window. A new window will popup letting you know that the …
Here you can learn how to configurate Xbees. I will show you step by step which pins you have to connect, how to use the Configuration Software X-CTU and i will explain a simple and easy example where you can test your Settings… What do you need: -2 Xbees -1 or 2 Adruino Boards -1 PC with X-CTU Software Link: www.digi.com I tried my best to make it as easy as possible, but if there are any Questions don´t hesitate to ask (may i forgotte some things to tell xD). I will answer the comments as fast as possible. My intention why i made this video was, because there is no good video/Tutorial out there that describes the Setup process of this little xbees. So i hope that i have made a good tutorial for everyone who wants to start using this little devices…. so have fun with it…
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Pilot episode of Technology for ALL in which I talk about ipconfig, ping, and reseting LAN connections to help in troubleshooting and repairing issues with home networks specifically when you cant get on the internet. Have questions? Ask them below! Website: www.TheJoeSomebodyShow.com Store www.thejoesomebodyshow.com Facebook: www.Facebook.com Twitter: www.Twitter.com Google+: plus.google.com Dailybooth: www.Dailybooth.com Music: “Human Beat” – Kevin Macleod (www.incpetech.com)
Creating bootable XPCD the easy way, copy all my settings and you’ll get it done. ALWAYS DOUBLE-CHECK your settings before hitting the “BURN” button. Download Links Boot Image File: “Download it direct from my Livespace…” skydrive.live.com Nero Burning Rom: www.nero.com WindowsXP SP3 (Untouched): thepiratebay.org Good Luck !!!