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How to setup the Hauppauge HD-PVR 2 Gaming Edition with your PS3 and a Computer Monitor Screen I had an initial problem with a black screen. To fix this connect your PS3 straight to your screen without the Happauge HD-PVR at all. This is so you can change your PS3’s Display Settings from HDMI to Component which is explained in the video. The Hauppauge HD-PVR 2 Gaming Edition is a great recording device which I highly recommend to anyone who wants to make commentaries. If you have any problems setting up your Hauppauge HD-PVR 2 Gaming Edition or do not understand me please don’t hesitate to inbox me! Thanks for watching please like, comment, favourite and SUBSCRIBE
How to Connect your PS3 to a standard LCD monitor, very simple and easy to do. Email: syphergaming@gmail.com Site to get HDMI to DVI cable cheaper: www.craigslist.org 3.5mm Female to Female Adapter(if needed): ecx.images-amazon.com for it on bestbuy, futureshop etc, should be cheap) Subscribe! More vids on the way! Thank you!
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com www.amazon.com All of these are great products, and yes there is an adapter that eliminates the need for the RCA couplers but it didn’t seem to work for me, fuzzy audio, so stick with the set up i am for only like 2 cents more, it works GREAT! never had a single problem with it, as i did the other adapter. PLEASE rate comment and subscribe for more videos like this and MORE! Thanks for watching, have a good day youtube.
This method allows you to have the best resolution up to 1080p with the HDMI cable. The signal is digital so its clearer and more precise. Digital is always the way to go. And don’t buy the Microsoft Cable, they suck, they only support analog signals unless the only signal your screen supports is analog. Here is the website i mentioned in the video: support.xbox.com Cables shown: VGA HD/AV Cable (XBOX 360) Standard HDMI to DVI Cable Standard stereo audio cable (Xbox 360)