Here you can learn how to configurate Xbees. I will show you step by step which pins you have to connect, how to use the Configuration Software X-CTU and i will explain a simple and easy example where you can test your Settings… What do you need: -2 Xbees -1 or 2 Adruino Boards -1 PC with X-CTU Software Link: www.digi.com I tried my best to make it as easy as possible, but if there are any Questions don´t hesitate to ask (may i forgotte some things to tell xD). I will answer the comments as fast as possible. My intention why i made this video was, because there is no good video/Tutorial out there that describes the Setup process of this little xbees. So i hope that i have made a good tutorial for everyone who wants to start using this little devices…. so have fun with it…