Me telling you how to fix it. Go to your settings go to network settings go to the bottom DISABLE the Media Server thing (im not sure if thats the right name…
Paul’s Hardware 0006 Here’s a tutorial that will show you how to do a clean installation & activation of Windows 8 using upgrade media. I also walk you through creating an oh-so-helpful Windows 8 USB installer. === Helpful Links === ISO Recorder Software by Alex Feinman alexfeinman.com Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool www.microsoftstore.com SevenForums – Clean Install with a Upgrade Windows 7 Version www.sevenforums.com === Final Steps === Registry Key to Modify: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSetupOOBE – change the MediaBootInstall value from 1 to 0 Open an elevated command prompt type “slmgr -rearm” press Enter Enjoy! Twitter: @paulhardware www.twitter.com Music By Kevin Macleod – incompetech.com incompetech.com
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●Twitter: bit.ly ●Facebook: on.fb.me Note, I was trying to get a point across discuss about what has happened, why I have removed certain videos, how Microsoft is taking action, what I will do about the matter, how Halo 4 downloaders are spreading content, and much more stuff that seriously needs to be cleared up. ●Thoughts on the leaks? – Get ready for Halo 5 early!: www.youtube.com Check out www.halofollower.com for more news! Halo 4 Articles & Information – www.halofollower.com ●Microsofts new rules? 343 says this changes nothing: forums.halo.xbox.com ●Paranormal Webcomic Series & Artist www.adlerswatch.com ●New Weekly Email Subscription Go Here, Unsubscribe any time: www.halofollower.com ●Social Media Facebook: on.fb.me Twitter: bit.ly ●My Network Website: www.halofollower.com ●Sources ●Source Finders: Halo4Follower Source A: halofollower.com Submit News: www.halofollower.com Source Music: Custom N/A Thanks for watching!