Quick tweaks to boost your Windows XP machine performance. Most people would be better off using a friendly Linux operating system like Ubuntu Linux from: ht…
— Starting with OS X 10.5 there are evident memory management problems in MAC OS X. The web was already then cluttered with complaints about system slowing down dramatically after some time. Back then i had slower machine, Mac Mini with 1GB RAM, so i (wrongly) concluded that it was due to inferior hardware. — Now i have 2010 MBP, core i7, 8 GB RAM, dual GPU. Mac os X Snow Leopard was pain, but after migrating to OS X Lion, working some serious stuff on MAC started to be a nightmare. — I finally managed to reproduce the problematic scenario, so i run the test and recorded the screen, into video. I run the tar+bzip command, which is basic unix stuff, on the large amount of picture files, in my Pictures/ folder. Just before start, i run the “purge” command, to delete inactive/cached program data. — You can see on the video that free memory starts to drop very fast, and inactive is constantly rising. If you take a look at “bsdtar” command, it takes only a fragment of RAM, so the problem is not in this process. You cannot say that it is a program memory leak, because then the problem would not be in inactive ram, rather in active/wired. — When the free memory dropped below 100mb, i started some apps, like Safari, iPhoto and MS Word, and you can see in the video, that it takes even minutes (!) to start an app, when normally (when there is free RAM), it would take some 3-5 secs to load. — I run the same scenario and the same commands on my Linux Centos 6 box, no problem …
www.gogotraining.com, 1-877-546-4446 This course provides intensive hands-on Linux networking training. You will learn about many different networking servers such as Apache Httpd and Samba. We will discuss various utilities to enable you to setup and maintain networking on a Linux server. This class is designed to prepare you to successfully take the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam. Download the course outline. ——————————————————————————– Prerequisites back to top Students need to have taken the RH133 – Red Hat Linux System Administration Training class or have similar Linux experience. ——————————————————————————– Objectives back to top As a result of taking this course, you will be able to •Describe machine identity with DNS and DHCP •Use file sharing with FTP, NFS and Samba •Administer Users •Implement email with Sendmail and Postfix •Use httpd and Squid •Install firewalls and system monitoring •Implement user security •Troubleshoot network problems www.gogotraining.com, 1-877-546-4446
How to Install Puppy Linux onto a USB Flash Drive Without a CD by Britec Puppy Linux is one of my favorite Live Linux distros, offering the ability to run a small Linux distro off a CD or USB drive without needing to install it onto the computers hard drive. This is ideal for running diagnostics, malware removal and running tests on a machine. unetbootin.sourceforge.net ———————————————— need more help with computer problems? www.briteccomputers.co.uk
How to fix Sony Vegas Pro 12 Rendering Problems and crashes. You can find more videos like this at my Youtube Partner channel “jnuness” and marketing video diy blog, fixing this problem can be done by changing the incompatibility settings to an early version of Windows Microsoft operation system. It seems Microsoft are trying to compete with Apple for a space in the mobile devices market with useless Windows 8 so Windows 7 users got left with an unfinished operation system and unless Microsoft have a change of heart, we will be seeing a lot of incompatibility program problems, blue screen crashes etc. On the good side, they opened doors for Linux operation systems to catch up. Reed More…at marketingvideodiy.com Custom built desk top computer that I built my self for video production. www.youtube.com More Sony Vegas Video Tutorials. www.youtube.com
techzilla.com | In this “How To” tutorial from MyTechHelp, you will learn how to setup a wireless home network for Mac, Linux or Windows operating systems.in order to provide wireless access for laptops, smartphone, tablets, and Wi-Fi TV’s. MyTechHelp offers tech support for all of your electronic devices.