January 3, 2013
In this tutorial I go over how to set up your new Raspberry Pi. I went through several other videos/forum posts to figure a lot of this out, so I decided to put it all in one easy-to-access place. I hope it helps you get going. I go over how to connect the various components you will need to get started (and some of my recommendations), how to download and write a Linux distro to an SD card and boot your Pi for the first time, how to set up your wireless adapter and connect to a WPA encrypted network, how to edit locale settings/timezone and map your keyboard for US users. I also go into how to use ssh to connect to your Pi remotely and how to transfer files between your PC and Raspberry Pi using ssh. Logitech wireless keyboard + trackpad: www.amazon.com Airlink wireless USB adapter: www.amazon.com Gert’s awesome GPIO tutorial: youtu.be
Tags: get-started, hope-it-helps, keyboard, linux, raspberry, transfer-files, tutorial, went-through, wireless, wireless internet setup
Posted in Wireless Network Setup | No Comments »
December 16, 2012
The Raspberry Pi is a £15/$25 computer that runs GNU/Linux. See www.raspberrypi.org for more info. I plan to provide Linux tutorials for those who are new to it, configuration tutorials once the Raspberry Pi is out, and programming tutorials following that. Cheers, Liam.
Tags: diy, education, gnu, linux, once-the-raspberry, raspberry, slow working computer, tutorials-once
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
December 12, 2012
With the recent announcement of the new ftServices portfolio , Stratus delivers the world’s most aggressive response, resolution and uptime commitments for business-critical Windows, Linux and VMware operating environments. Stratus is the IT industry’s only vendor with proactive service programs providing root-cause problem analysis for platforms and operating systems. Our global 24×7 network of customer assistance centers not only provide immediate response to any customer support request, but also offer in-depth engineering-level response for the most critical problems in less than 15 minutes.
Tags: centers-not, global-24x7, linux, offer-in-depth, only-provide, only-vendor, science & technology, software problems, windows, world
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 2, 2012
I’ll show you guys how to completely restore to factory condition :D! Step1: Click start Step2: Search at recov…. Step3: Doubleclick recovery manager Step4: Skip all until you come to factory settings Step5: WARNING IF YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILES BACKUP! Step6: REVIVE YOUR COMPUTER! 😀 Wat it will do: It will formatting your computer and then install windows again! Twitter l twitter.com Leave a comment! Did you liked it? Thumbs up! DID YOU REALLY LIKED IT? SUBSCRIBE [Ingnore tags] Fix Error Windows 7 Windows vista Windows 8 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows ME Theme Hp Software Program Installition Wallpaper Youtube Pewdiepie FarCry 3 Crysis 2 1 3 USA Fail Video Card Car Europe Euro Dollar Kronor Happy Wheels Factory Condition Settings Recoverying Programmed Apple Linux Mac Lamp Pig Xbox 360 PC Full Free Playstation Nitendo DS Mario Super Browse Factory Image How to Tutorial Complete Restore A Laptop HOW TO RESTORE YOUR COMPUTER HOW TO RESTORE YOUR COMPUTER TO FACTORY SETTINGS works with most Pc´s () Nvidia Racer Hd Radeon Fast New Microsoft HP Clean Up Cleaning 2012 2011 2010 2013 November December October All Pavilion Laptop AcerEntertainment Quick Formate Formatting Will Friends Stand off Partner Thumbs Up Subscribe No Download Required No servey Safe Security Zombie Computa Swedish English Amnesia Slow ?! Poo POO POOP Poop Gangman Style HeyHeyayayay Trollface Trolling Battlefield 3 Bf 3 Pc Suit Sweet Candy Full Fre Version Hp recovery manager search find Comments …
Tags: diy, english-amnesia, friends, image, laptop, linux, microsoft, science & technology, search, security, security-zombie, usa, youtube
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November 15, 2012
This video will show you how to remove some infections from your PC using AVG Rescue CD: www.avg.com The AVG Rescue CD is a free-to-use product that anyone can download. This also covers any new program versions and virus database updates. If you have any other paid AVG license, you are also entitled to receive our full technical support. The AVG Rescue CD is essentially a portable version of AVG Anti-Virus supplied through Linux distribution. It can be used in the form of a bootable CD or bootable USB flash drive to recover your computer when the system cannot be loaded normally, such as after an extensive or deep-rooted virus infection. In short, the AVG Rescue CD enables you to fully remove infections from an otherwise inoperable PC and render the system bootable again. AVG Rescue CD tool can be very usefull in case it is not possible to remove some infection standard ways (eg AVG or any other anti-virus software is not installed on target PC and for some reason it is not possible to install it). You can download AVG Rescue CD from here: www.avg.com Looking for free antivirus download? Click here: www.avg.com
Tags: avg, full-technical, fully-remove, help, howto & style, linux, not installed, not-possible, remove-some, rescue, very-usefull, video
Posted in Virus Removal | No Comments »
November 13, 2012
If you use Linux and your media plays at annoyingly fast speeds, then this quick terminal command should do the trick.
Tags: annoyingly-fast, command-should, linux, media, media-plays, quick-terminal, science & technology, software problems, trick
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 10, 2012
Speaker Info: Costin Raiciu (Lecturer, University Politehnica of Bucharest) Christoph Paasch (PhD Student, Universite Catholique de Louvain) Abstract: Networks have become multipath: mobile devices have multiple radio interfaces, datacenters have redundant paths and multihoming is the norm for big server farms. Meanwhile, TCP is still only single-path and this makes it very difficult for endpoints to take advantage of network-level redundancy . There are numerous examples of problems caused by this mismatch: for instance, TCP connections are reset when a mobile device exits WiFi coverage despite the availability of 3G connections; and in datacenters random load-balancing often overloads a subset of links leaving parts of the network underutilized. In this talk we will present Multipath TCP, an extension of TCP that is currently being standardized at the IETF. Multipath TCP enables unmodified applications that today use TCP to function over multiple paths and achieve better performance and better robustness. Multipath TCP requires no changes to the networks: it works just fine over the existing infrastructure. We will discuss MPTCP’s key design issues and the main deployment scenarios where we envision MPTCP can make a difference today. We will also highlight the main challenges we encountered while implementing MPTCP in the LInux Kernel, present a few experimental results and (conditions permitting) will do a live demo Slides: docs.google.com
Tags: bucharest, currently-being, functioning abnormally, linux, main-challenges, makes-it-very, network, networks, often-overloads, slides, student, tcp, university
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
September 22, 2012
Download Reaver Pro: xiaopan.co (Mac + PC + Linux) What does It Do? In a nutshell it cracks WPS WPA/WPA2-PSK Wireless (Wi-Fi) Networks How Good Is It? Good, but could be better, and there is something better :). You are better off with Xiaopan OS 0.4.3 (has expert GUI for Reaver called ‘Inflator’) which I have tested and it is amazing. It will be released soon 🙂 We will be making a huge effort to make more cards compatible and help you as much as we can with prompt service. Please join us in the forums and check the link above for additional information. Windows + Mac Compatible [VMware / Parallels Desktop / Workstation / Virtualbox / Live CD / Live USB] What is Reaver Pro? (From Tactical Network Solutions Website) Reaver is a WPA attack tool developed by Tactical Network Solutions that exploits a protocol design flaw in WiFi Protected Setup (WPS). This vulnerability exposes a side-channel attack against Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) versions 1 and 2 allowing the extraction of the Pre-Shared Key (PSK) used to secure the network. With a well-chosen PSK, the WPA and WPA2 security protocols are assumed to be secure by a majority of the 802.11 security community. WPS allows users to enter an 8 digit PIN to connect to a secured network without having to enter a passphrase. When a user supplies the correct PIN the access point essentially gives the user the WPA/WPA2 PSK that is needed to connect to the network. Reaver will determine an access point’s PIN and then extract the …
Tags: download-reaver, extraction, linux, networks, protected, reaver, science & technology, secured-network, tactical, wireless, wireless internet setup
Posted in Wireless Network Setup | No Comments »
September 17, 2012
Want more video like this? Tell us here: goo.gl www.lockergnome.com lockergnome.net Wolfen, a member of the LockerGnome community, asked: “How do you diagnose computer crashes or freezes?” As long as there have been personal computers, it has fallen on the user to be the first line of defense against issues. Troubleshooting a problem can be a long and tedious task, which may include having to open the case and remove components until the problem goes away. Everyone has their own method and order when troubleshooting. Do you look at the drivers first, potential hardware failure, or recently installed software? When do you decide to format and reinstall? Is there any software that can detect and pinpoint the root of the problem at hand? lockergnome.com http facebook.com
Tags: apple, include-having, linux, mac, problem, problem-goes, science & technology, tech, troubleshooting, ubuntu
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
September 17, 2012
Want more video like this? Tell us here: goo.gl geeks.pirillo.com – What do you use to view and troubleshoot system events on your computer (Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux)? chris.pirillo.com
Tags: file, fix it, geeks, linux, macos, screen, screencast, screencasting, utility
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »