www.gogotraining.com, 1-877-546-4446 This course provides intensive hands-on Linux networking training. You will learn about many different networking servers such as Apache Httpd and Samba. We will discuss various utilities to enable you to setup and maintain networking on a Linux server. This class is designed to prepare you to successfully take the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam. Download the course outline. ——————————————————————————– Prerequisites back to top Students need to have taken the RH133 – Red Hat Linux System Administration Training class or have similar Linux experience. ——————————————————————————– Objectives back to top As a result of taking this course, you will be able to •Describe machine identity with DNS and DHCP •Use file sharing with FTP, NFS and Samba •Administer Users •Implement email with Sendmail and Postfix •Use httpd and Squid •Install firewalls and system monitoring •Implement user security •Troubleshoot network problems www.gogotraining.com, 1-877-546-4446