Quick tweaks to boost your Windows XP machine performance. Most people would be better off using a friendly Linux operating system like Ubuntu Linux from: ht…
DIY Desktop Computer from Laptop Motherboard and aluminum case. I needed a light weight computer to replace my mothers old Athlon XP 1800+ computer. It needed to be under 2Kg about 4.4lb including the AC adapter cables and shipping box so that the shipping will not be more expensive than the computer 🙂 Specs are AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-58 1.9GHz (65nm) 2GB RAM ATI Radeon Xpress X1270 with VGA and HDMI Chipset RS690T. I installed a custom live Linux OS based on 64bit Ubuntu 10.10 using remastersys. In the other life it was the Gateway M-1617 and I purchased this from eBay for 84$ with a cracked screen bad sectors on HDD and over-temperature shut down that was only the fault of an old and dry thermal compound. If you need any parts that I did not used in this Desktop please let me know I will give you for free.
Don’t forget to watch this video in HD. In this video I will show you how to install Ubuntu 12.10 on your USB flash drive. It’s useful if you just want to try it out but you don’t want to install it on your local drive where Windows is. Download links: Universal USB Installer: bit.ly Ubuntu ISO file: bit.ly Keep in mind that it is possible that your USB flash drive is not bootable (because I have had an external hard drive that wasn’t bootable). If it’s not bootable, you will not be able to boot your computer from it. I don’t know if you can run into problems with Windows 8’s secure boot (my computer can’t use it). There may be other problems that keep you from booting your USB drive. Keep in mind that you should use antivirus software. Although you are able to browse your file system with an Ubuntu Live USB, you should keep in mind that a virus can remove the files before you boot up from the USB drive and always backup your system, you won’t be able to get your files back if your SSD/HDD crashes! I am not responsible for anything that happens to your computer. You can also follow us on Twitter: @1WatchThisShow (without the word “The”) twitter.com
This video is brought to you by: www.pcmtechhelp.com We cover Live Broadcasting Creating A YouTube Channel Being Consistent With Content Google AdSense Policies Recovering Google AdSense Accounts Google AdSense Alternatives Diversification of Revenue Windows 8 UI Issues Windows Marketing Problems Windows Future Compared To Linux Linux Ubuntu As A Windows 8 Alternative And More…
Post (Detailed step by step instruction, used as a reference post in the video) : blog.sudobits.com Setup Ruby On Rails, on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS in one simple command, Using the Rails Installer Script. Just Drag the script to terminal and relax, installation will be completed within few minutes (Depending on your internet speed). If something went wrong and you got stuck in middle, then follow the above link(post) for installing things one by one, or you can explain the problem via comment. Download Rails Installer Script from Github – github.com Thank You 🙂 checkout my Rails App: bootstrapthemes.me (a marketplace for bootstrap themes)
Alot of you having problem with E drive and this and that, will since we are on 4.3 or higher the steps are to make sure we don’t have any problems. Here is what you need 1. Jailbroken AppleTV 2 ( tinyurl.com ) 2. Download PuTTY If your on Windows (tinyurl.com 3. On MAC or Ubuntu Just follow the Next Step 4. Just Click here to see the steps in Ssh (xctechs.info If you have Login Problem with PuTTY Try this video www.youtube.com ======================== On MAC / Ubuntu PROBLEMS YOU MAY HAVE!!! 1. Connection refused error Solution: navigate to /Users/username/.ssh delete the file titled “known_hosts”. Restart Terminal retry to connect Subscribe