January 27, 2012
image of my MBP (mid 2007) with display issues, which can be affected by me raising or lowering it. I took this video with my cameraphone (motorola ZN5). Note: the issue has progressed until 3/4 of the screen will immediate fade unless I pinch the screen roughly in the center right. This pressure somehow keeps a connection that causes the display to work perfectly, and so I’ve been using it to date with a clothespin and toothpick that provide enough pressure while not obscuring much the screen.
Tags: apple, computers, display, display device, macbook pro, screen, screen-roughly, video
Posted in Monitor Problem | No Comments »
January 16, 2012
PLEASE READ This is the NEW Redsn0w 0.9.10b4 5.0.1 Firmware Untethered Jailbreak. (This update fixes iBooks & Launch problems) You can run this over your jailbroken iDevice. Redsn0w Downloads Windows & Mac blog.iphone-dev.org NEW How to fix iBooks & Launch Problems Video. youtu.be Please view my follow up video life after 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak troubleshooting help. www.youtube.com For unlockers that need to preserve there baseband you will need to create custom firmware download original 5.0.1 for supported devices from this link. www.felixbruns.de For more help an updates come follow me on Twitter twitter.com IMPORTANT If you should run into any errors whilst running Redsn0w to jailbreak theres no need to restore just keep re running Redsn0w. Also after you have finished the jailbreak if your Cydia is not showing any sources it only needs to be refreshed by adding any source like. cydia.myrepospace.com If you get the white Cydia icon try these steps 1, Turn the device off then back on. 2, Open up Cydia and install then uninstall any package. 3, Re run Redsn0w over the top.
Tags: apple, application, computers, device-redsn0w, downloads, entertainment, functioning abnormally, imac, jailbreak, linux, store, touch
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 14, 2012
This is a video about how to make your computer really fast,6 best tips.FIND ME ON FACEBOOK RENE COBRA GUINOUSS if you guys have any questions just leave a comment. I know a lot people are having problems because of their computer is too slow so this is a way to get your computer back to speed without downloading any program. And if this video was helpful just subscribe or like the video please. Thank youuu ENJOY YOUR FAST COMPUTER.
Tags: apple, computer-really, desktop computer, microsoft windows, personal-computer, repair, software tutorial, tips, work
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
January 12, 2012
SALE! Learn Guitar for $1.99! mhlo.co In this video, Mahalo technology expert Justin Zagri explains how to connect your Snow Leopard system to the internet. Connecting to the Internet ——————————————————————— You can connect your Mac to the internet via an ethernet cable or a wireless signal. The settings for both methods of connection can be found in the network settings. 1. Go to System Preferences. 2. Click on Network. 3. The Network window will display your connections in the left sidebar. Select the method that you want to use. Ethernet: The Network window will tell you the status of your ethernet connection. Wireless: View the wireless signal under the AirPort section. It will let you view the connection status and a list of wireless networks nearby. 4. If you’re using the AirPort, select the wireless network you want to join. It may require you to enter a password before connecting. 5. You can also access the network settings by clicking on the air wave icon in the top right bar. This will display the list of wireless networks nearby and allow you to choose one. 6. Once your internet connection is set up, you can open a browser and start searching the web. Read more by visiting our page at: www.mahalo.com
Tags: apple, connect, dvd, explains how, learn, learn mac os, learn-guitar, mac, mahalotech, science & technology, start-searching, wireless, wireless internet setup, your-ethernet
Posted in Wireless Network Setup | No Comments »
December 30, 2011
If you are having problems interacting with an NTFS partition or hard drive on your Mac, or system running Mac OS X, there is a free plug in that is easy to download and install. For more Information, read the article: computersoftwareisyourfriend.blogspot.com Download NTFS 3G www.macupdate.com You can look at our various other articles here: computersoftwareisyourfriend.blogspot.com Be sure to like and subscribe and I will try my best to answer any comments that you leave. Be sure to keep up to date with our other articles and join us on Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Google Plus: plus.google.com
Tags: apple, article, articles, basic, csiyfvideos, educational, facebook, functioning abnormally, having-problems, how to, installation, mac os x, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 28, 2011
How to make a minecraft 1.0.0 server on a PC: www.youtube.com Hey guys! If anyone is having problems then go check out this video. Hopefully it will solve your problems! www.youtube.com This video tells you how to make a minecraft 1.0.0 server using hamachi. We use craftbukkits server instead of mincraft_server. This will work on mac and pc however you do not use the start.command. Instead in notepad copy and paste this: java -Xms1000M -Xmx1000M -jar minecraft_server.jar and save as start.bat in you server folder. Hamachi Download: secure.logmein.com Minecraft_server.jar download: www.minecraft.net Craftbukkit server download: ci.bukkit.org Setting up Your Server: www.minecraftwiki.net
Tags: apple, computers, linux, macintosh, metin2, microsoft windows, Problems, program, programming, runescape, server-download, server-instead, technology, visual basic, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 24, 2011
Apple Macbook liquid spill damage logic board repair. We do comprehensive computer laptop repair services at component level for any makes and models laptops and Apple computers like macbook ,macbook pro ,macbook air ,13″, 15″ ,17″ . Any Jack replacement or repair like power dc jack, audio, hdmi, usb,lvds and others. We provide nationwide services with best success rates and short turnaround time. Call Computer Doctor BG for more information www.vegas-computer-repair.com No power issues black screen lose power connection won’t boot up no post no backlights
Tags: apple, best-success, black screen, component-level, computer repair, computer-doctor, connection-won, damage-logic, doctor, laptop repair, liquid damege, logic board repair, macbook won't power up, models-laptops, repair-services
Posted in Laptop Repair | No Comments »
December 12, 2011
1) Select IPSec Description: HotspotShield sever : Account zix1u0 or n5tfrq Password : Same as account name you use use certificate : off Group name: hss Secret : Hss Also check out: us.gofreevpn.com Set up VPN/HotspotShield on xbox 360: www.youtube.com Please check out my blog to support me : dailyhelp1.blogspot.com
Tags: apple, at&t, camera, iphone, ipod, jailbreak, netflix, wireless, xbox-360
Posted in Wireless Network Setup | No Comments »
December 12, 2011
www.freeremovalofspyware.org If your computer has been infected with System Fix, then use these easy to follow instructions to remove System Fix. More Tags: Remove System Fix, System Fix removal, remove System Fix virus, System Fix virus removal, how to remove System Fix, how to remove…
Tags: apple, cheats, linux, maker, money, programs, removal, remove, remove system fix, remove-system, trailer, windows
Posted in Virus Removal | No Comments »
December 11, 2011
Are you having problems with your Mac computer, and you just can bring yourself to face the Apple Store? Let your fears be resolved and trust Computer City Repairs will all your questions. Whether you are dealing with a broken LCD screen, a faulty hard drive, or anything in between, Computer City Repairs will be there to help.
Tags: apple, bring-yourself, compaq, computer repair, customer support, gateway, guide-the-way, inverter problems, mac support, microsoft outlook typing, repairs, technology, westwood, westwood repair
Posted in Tips | No Comments »