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PLEASE READ This is the NEW Redsn0w 0.9.10b4 5.0.1 Firmware Untethered Jailbreak. (This update fixes iBooks & Launch problems) You can run this over your jailbroken iDevice. Redsn0w Downloads Windows & Mac blog.iphone-dev.org NEW How to fix iBooks & Launch Problems Video. youtu.be Please view my follow up video life after 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak troubleshooting help. www.youtube.com For unlockers that need to preserve there baseband you will need to create custom firmware download original 5.0.1 for supported devices from this link. www.felixbruns.de For more help an updates come follow me on Twitter twitter.com IMPORTANT If you should run into any errors whilst running Redsn0w to jailbreak theres no need to restore just keep re running Redsn0w. Also after you have finished the jailbreak if your Cydia is not showing any sources it only needs to be refreshed by adding any source like. cydia.myrepospace.com If you get the white Cydia icon try these steps 1, Turn the device off then back on. 2, Open up Cydia and install then uninstall any package. 3, Re run Redsn0w over the top.
www.thecomputerroomnottingham.co.uk – 0115 972 1120 07545 251 571Serving Nottingham Derby and Leicester with parts and repair for iPhone, iPod, pc and mac of all kinds. This is showing an iPod Touch we solved a problem in. This movie is for showing an example of what The Computer Room Nottingham can do for any issues you may have with computers, iphones and ipods. It was made by Leon Stacey and is no way a guide of how repairs can be performed by anyone else and to that end, The Computer Room Nottingham and Leon Stacey cannot be held responsible for anything that happens from you undertaking repairs yourself of any nature. Terms and Conditions of using our services are at www.thecomputerroomnottingham.co.uk/terms-and-conditions.
Objective-C® for Dummies® by Neal Goldstein, Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., is the main source of information for this video. I go over a problem with the switch statement; then I discuss how we will begin to change our program into a full fledged object-oriented program. Twitter – twitter.com FaceBook – www.facebook.com E-mail – macandcomputerhelp@gmail.com objective-c tutorial objective-c tutorials Objective-C Tutorial objective c programming tutorial objective c programming tutorials Objective C programming Tutorial
This is a video blog about a manufacturing fault in the 24 inch aluminum Imac’s in which unwanted condensation can form under the glass screens of the display. I have logged a case with Apple and they have told me that their official standpoint is to leave the computer on for several hours and that the heat of the fans will drive the unwanted vapor away. Nevertheless, Imac users or potential buyers BEWARE!
Here is my failed attempt at replacing my iMac G4’s hard drive. If anything it was fun enough just being able to take a look inside the machine. I am not giving up trying to fix it yet so if you have any ideas, please let me know! As always check out: www.TheMediaStomp.com www.Twitter.com/MacintoshGeek
If you have any tips please let me know! Here’s the problem: – used boot camp to load windows – mac isn’t recognizing a boot drive – can’t eject CD/DVD (I tried every command i could find online) Commands I have tried when turning the device on: – Command+option+O+F – Command+S – Option – X – C – Left mouse/right mouse/both buttons – eject/command+eject MY STUFF: twitter.com TWITTER youtube.com VLOGS youtube.com OTHER STUFF youtube.com GAMING facebook.com FACEBOOOOOK