SALE! Learn Guitar for $1.99! mhlo.co In this video, Mahalo technology expert Justin Zagri explains how to connect your Snow Leopard system to the internet. Connecting to the Internet ——————————————————————— You can connect your Mac to the internet via an ethernet cable or a wireless signal. The settings for both methods of connection can be found in the network settings. 1. Go to System Preferences. 2. Click on Network. 3. The Network window will display your connections in the left sidebar. Select the method that you want to use. Ethernet: The Network window will tell you the status of your ethernet connection. Wireless: View the wireless signal under the AirPort section. It will let you view the connection status and a list of wireless networks nearby. 4. If you’re using the AirPort, select the wireless network you want to join. It may require you to enter a password before connecting. 5. You can also access the network settings by clicking on the air wave icon in the top right bar. This will display the list of wireless networks nearby and allow you to choose one. 6. Once your internet connection is set up, you can open a browser and start searching the web. Read more by visiting our page at: www.mahalo.com