February 14, 2013
Learn about troubleshooting various issues including Internet Connectivity, Sending/Receiving Email and Resetting and changing passwords. Learn more about AT&T U-verse or get support at www.att.com Watch this video for help troubleshooting the following issues: Internet connectivity, sending or receiving email, and resetting and changing email passwords. Feel free to pause, review a previous section, or skip ahead within this video at any time. For Internet connectivity or email issues, you can start troubleshooting online with AT&T’s Troubleshoot & Resolve Application at www.att.com Here you’ll find automated, step-by-step help. You’ll be asked to log in with your U-verse Member ID and Password. Your Member ID is the email address you created when you registered your U-verse service. If you’ve lost or forgotten your password or need help logging in, go to www.att.com More information on passwords can also be found at the end of this video. You can often improve Internet connectivity by clearing your cache and browser cookies to free up space on your hard drive. For more information on clearing your cache or cookies, go to www.att.com and enter the key words “clear cookies” or “clear cache.” If you’ve used the AT&T Troubleshoot & Resolve App online and you’re still having problems, you may want to temporarily disable your firewall to see if it’s the cause of the problem. Firewalls are good at blocking unwanted traffic from getting in, but can also block good traffic from …
Tags: browser-cookies, cache, enter-the-key, fix, internet, member, science & technology, support-at-www, troubleshoot, various-issues, verse-or-get, video
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 14, 2013
hi i am siva from india . watch my video and rate me this is my fist video You people Know that Yahoo! Messenger for Vista development has been discontinued. So, You cannot download from yahoo!’s Website. I am giving You link which Works! LINK WILL UPDATE SOON | FREE Estimates Tutoring / Training | Spyware and Virus issues | Onsite Computer tutoring (Individuals) | Removal, | protection and Prevention Training | Free Anti-Spyware Software | Microsoft Office | Firewall Configurations | Internet Browsing | Browser Configurations | Data Recovery | Data Recovery due to HD Failure | Missing / Deleted Data Recovery | Data backup | PC Tune-Up | Check PC Status | Examine for Problems network, repair, troubleshoot Make your computer Faster. Use MSCONFIG to speed up your PC. Make your computer load faster. Diagnose computer issues, Disable Spyware from Auto Restarting. Boot Up Faster. Hack Hacking Windows Xp. Increase Systems Performance by gaining back resources How to make “Start Menu” menus to open real fast!!! XP Hack Change your start menu get the vista start menu on windows xp,Changing your Windows XP Start Menu Text,Hack any Site Funny Windows XP trick,Get out of freezeups in xp,How To” #2 Making WinXP run faster,Tricks- Make Windows XP Start Faster how to hack a password on windows xp,3d flip effect for windows,Hidden Windows XP Music,Google Tricks, Hacks and Easter Eggs Customize yout desktop on Windows XP! Great Trick,How to get black xp start menu,Things Microsoft Wont …
Tags: browser, easter, hacking, internet, microsoft, music, science & technology, software problems, start, start menu, virus, yahoo
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 13, 2013
Repair Install to Fix Windows 7 Without Reformatting by Britec Why do I need to do a Repair Installation? You have tried System Restore and it did not help fix your Windows 7 issues. You have tried all options ie: chkdsk /r sfc /scannow system restore etc etc to fix your Windows 7 Installation. You do not want to do a fresh install of Windows 7. You do want to preserve your user accounts, data, programs, and system drivers. So if you have answered all above then the time is right to do a Repair Install of your Operating System. Your need: 1. Standard Win7 installation DVD 2. Original 25-character product key (This can be found on a sticker on your PC/Laptop or paperwork that come with your retail copy of Windows 7.) Lost your product key? well you can recover it with magic jellybean for free. (link below) www.magicaljellybean.com 3. Doing a Repair Install with Windows 7 SP1 with a Pre-SP1 DVD?, then you need to uninstall SP1 before proceeding with the Repair Install. Just uninstall from add and remove programs like I show you in the video. 4. In-case it goes wrong, remember Backup, Backup, Backup before you proceed with the Repair Install. www.briteccomputers.co.uk
Tags: backup, dvd, operating, remove-programs, repair, science & technology, software problems, system-restore, then-the-time, time, user, video, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 13, 2013
3D APPLICATION PROBLEM ON Official Galaxy S2 II Ice Cream sandwich, XXLPQ Firmware is very good for day to day usage . but i got some error message while playing asphalt adrenaline 6 hd like 3D application , the problem is annoying ,,, i think it is compatibility problem with ICS and Application
Tags: application, day-usage, fix, got-some, official, official-galaxy, problem, science & technology, the-problem, very-good, while-playing
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 11, 2013
My top 5 Cydia tweaks. NOT IN ANY SPECIFIC ORDER. 1.) LocallApStore – system.in-appstore.com ( IF YOU HAVE ANY TROUBLE WITH LOCALLAPSTORE CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK FOR THE PROBLEMS + FIXES: www.youtube.com 2.) Winterboard 3.) Auxo 4.) SBSettings 5.) Activator To get cracked Cydia apps free, add source: Sinfuliphonerepo.com Thanks for watching! Follow me on Twitter! @JB_iPhone5
Tags: activator, apps-free, cydia, fixes, get-cracked, science & technology, software problems, twitter, winterboard
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 10, 2013
DOWNLOAD: Google Chrome + RealPlayer Hotfix NEW: dl.dropbox.com ================================================ With thanks to: Mohamed Seso & Juny .R (Rate My Video Please) Click on Show More if this didn’t work for you… ***********ATTENTION PLEASE – Read Summary Below************ If this didn’t work for you, follow these Additional Steps: (STEP 1) – Open Realplayer – Press Alt – Select Preferences – At the bottom of the list select Download&Recording – Then check the box beside “Enable Web Download&Recording” – Then check the box beside “Only on mouse-over” – Press OK – Restart Google Chrome IMPORTANT NOTE: For the ones the ones that followed the steps above, found that the download option was already enabled… I recommend disabling the download option first and Press OK. And then re-follow the steps as stated. If it still doesn’t work, try this one: (STEP 2) – Open Google Chrome – Type this in your Adress Bar: about:extensions – Then enable the “Realplayer Downloader” plugin Tip 1: Make sure you got the LATEST version of RealPlayer and Google Chrome Installed. Because older versions may prevent this solution to work. Tip 2: In some cases it’s required to right click the flash video and choose “Download This Video To RealPlayer” via the menu Tip 3: In other cases it’s required to refresh the page (press F5) for the button to show up. Fact: RealPlayer doesn’t work with 64-bit browsers. This is no problem for chrome users yet, because chrome only has been released as …
Tags: adress, download, flash, google-chrome, mohamed-seso, ones-the-ones, only-on-mouse, press, software problems, steps, summary, summary-below, video, video-please
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 10, 2013
IMPORTANT: Google “My IP” and it should tell you what your IP is. Other people trying to connect to your server must use that IP. I had this problem for a LONG time and after finding the solution there was no guide for Windows 7 and Hamachi users so I wanted to make this video for all of you who have windows 7. Remember you have to start up “Mincecraft_Server.exe” and keep it running for the server to work. Download below. DIRECT – WEBSITE – adf.ly If you have any other problems please leave a comment and I will try to make another vid on it if there is already no vid up. Have a nice day, Mark
Tags: after-finding, fix, keep-it-running, people, people-trying, server, should-tell, solution, video
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 9, 2013
This is the first training video in a series of screencasts that are intended to supplement the “Learn about Windows Basics” topic in the Windows 7 Help and Support application. This part supplements the section “Using your mouse”. What you learn here isn’t restricted to Windows 7, however. It’s information that applies to all versions of Windows thus far. If you’re absolutely new to computers then this is the place to start! We cover pointing, clicking, dragging, dropping, double clicking and right-clicking. We also discuss the importance of using good technique, or perhaps the use of ergonomic mouse pads or ergonomic mice. If you’ve never had wrist problems resulting from computer usage, you’re a fortunate person. It hurts! Learn good technique and try to avoid it. This screencast by Ron Grove of Evanoah I/T Services is designed to be viewed at www.rongrove.com
Tags: absolutely-new, computers-then, ergonomic-mouse, importance, science & technology, screencast, the-importance, training-video, windows, windows-basics, wrist-problems
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 9, 2013
I’m happy that this video is going successful and I am able to help people by solving their iTunes problem. 🙂
Tags: diy, going-successful, help-people, itunes, science & technology, software problems, solving-their, video
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 9, 2013
Don’t forget to watch this video in HD. In this video I will show you how to install Ubuntu 12.10 on your USB flash drive. It’s useful if you just want to try it out but you don’t want to install it on your local drive where Windows is. Download links: Universal USB Installer: bit.ly Ubuntu ISO file: bit.ly Keep in mind that it is possible that your USB flash drive is not bootable (because I have had an external hard drive that wasn’t bootable). If it’s not bootable, you will not be able to boot your computer from it. I don’t know if you can run into problems with Windows 8’s secure boot (my computer can’t use it). There may be other problems that keep you from booting your USB drive. Keep in mind that you should use antivirus software. Although you are able to browse your file system with an Ubuntu Live USB, you should keep in mind that a virus can remove the files before you boot up from the USB drive and always backup your system, you won’t be able to get your files back if your SSD/HDD crashes! I am not responsible for anything that happens to your computer. You can also follow us on Twitter: @1WatchThisShow (without the word “The”) twitter.com
Tags: always-backup, diy, files, from-the-usb, functioning abnormally, not-responsible, other-problems, Problems, science & technology, ubuntu, ubuntu-live, use-antivirus, video, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »