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Visit us : seoinstitutedelhi.co.in Learn to Optimize the Page Titles with Abhijit Jadhav, Sr. SEO Trainer. He talks about the importance of a keyword rich page in SEO project. He shows how Page Title is displayed in the search result page, so it is of prime importance to the success of the SEO of the website. He conducts SEO Training in Delhi. Has SEO Institute in Delhi. SEO course, Learn SEO.
This is the first training video in a series of screencasts that are intended to supplement the “Learn about Windows Basics” topic in the Windows 7 Help and Support application. This part supplements the section “Using your mouse”. What you learn here isn’t restricted to Windows 7, however. It’s information that applies to all versions of Windows thus far. If you’re absolutely new to computers then this is the place to start! We cover pointing, clicking, dragging, dropping, double clicking and right-clicking. We also discuss the importance of using good technique, or perhaps the use of ergonomic mouse pads or ergonomic mice. If you’ve never had wrist problems resulting from computer usage, you’re a fortunate person. It hurts! Learn good technique and try to avoid it. This screencast by Ron Grove of Evanoah I/T Services is designed to be viewed at www.rongrove.com