Wireless Networking Security – Router Setup – Lesson 1. This segment discusses some of the more important router configurations to help strengthen your wirel…
Here are some conceptual and word problems to the lesson that we learned in the previous video. This video is to help you better understand the information covered in the first video. Investary Website — www.investary.org Twitter – http Google+ – plus.google.com Facebook – www.facebook.com Questions, comments, feedback? Leave it in the comments section. Also if you can please subscribe and like this video, it will help me tremendously.
This is a short sample taken from Lesson 7 of Typical Exam Problems. Some of the topics of this lesson are: Computers, Measurement & Controls, Computer Hardware, Software, Measurement and Controls. This course designed and presented by Dr. Gary Blank, will help students prepare for the FE/EIT exam. More information and samples are available at www.drblankonline.com
“you know who won’t be able to pay is the little guys and you’ll be crushing the future of inovation…” A look at the history of the communication and where it’s going next. We’ve also included this video on the current version of our DVD we sell off of our website. So if also check that out here: www.foureyedmonsters.com FaceBook Profiles Arin – www.facebook.com Susan – www.facebook.com Four Eyed Monsters – www.facebook.com MySpace Profiles: Susan – www.myspace.com Arin – www.myspace.com Film – www.myspace.com Music – www.myspace.com Twitter Profiles: Arin – www.twitter.com Susan – www.twitter.com
Objective-C® for Dummies® by Neal Goldstein, Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., is the main source of information for this video. I go over a problem with the switch statement; then I discuss how we will begin to change our program into a full fledged object-oriented program. Twitter – twitter.com FaceBook – www.facebook.com E-mail – macandcomputerhelp@gmail.com objective-c tutorial objective-c tutorials Objective-C Tutorial objective c programming tutorial objective c programming tutorials Objective C programming Tutorial
A teacher can use Doceri software to show multiple solutions to the same problem with different answers, and replay the solutions back to discuss the different steps. The teacher can rewind the writing and drawing to replay the solutions, step by step, to find the errors and fix them. Solving the problem in two ways provides a way to check her work for accuracy. Playing back the solutions helps the students see the process unfold more than once, so that they can see when errors occurred in time, and not just spatially on paper or a white board. The problem is solved directly over electronic PDF file on the computer desktop. Visit www.doceri.com for more information on this software. Thank you to Mrs. Zorin from Stevens Elementary school for her math work sheet.