Hi, recently purchased a new monitor, it also has HDMI ports and component. So my PS3 & Wii is also connected to it. Very nice HD quality monitor. Blu-Ray looks excellent in it’s 1080p quality. Enjoy.
Take your videos to the next level!!! You will need Google Sketchup and a Screen Capture program (I use ScreenFlow, but better ones exist) If you need green screen help in iMovie, watch these: All iMovie Green Screen problems resolved and explained www.youtube.com Even More Green Screen Help with Position and Location and Slow-mo Bullet Tutorial www.youtube.com How to Remove Black Backgrounds (aka key our black backgrounds) www.youtube.com Getting rid of the mouse arrow: Keep the mouse arrow to the edges of the screen as you maneuver your object, it should be either not noticeable or easily cropped out. I would go with cropping it out. iMovie has some cropping out features for green screen. For Adobe After Effects and Final Cut, the mouse arrow is no problem if the mouse never eclipsed the object. How do you put a moving dinosaur like Jurassic Park in your videos? -I don’t think a full animated dinosaur is possible. There is a google sketup plugin called “sketchy physics.” I don’t have much experience in it, but here is one video I found: www.youtube.com The science fiction video: Search “DARK SCI FI SCENE with entrance/bridge/exit & 4podcarriers” in the “Google sketchup warehouse” My Star Wars intro: www.youtube.com iMovie tutorial series: How to Remove Black Backgrounds (aka key our black backgrounds) www.youtube.com Multiple Picture in Picture in iMovie Tutorial www.youtube.com All iMovie Green Screen problems resolved and explained www.youtube.com The Best iMovie …
Objective-C® for Dummies® by Neal Goldstein, Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., is the main source of information for this video. I go over a problem with the switch statement; then I discuss how we will begin to change our program into a full fledged object-oriented program. Twitter – twitter.com FaceBook – www.facebook.com E-mail – macandcomputerhelp@gmail.com objective-c tutorial objective-c tutorials Objective-C Tutorial objective c programming tutorial objective c programming tutorials Objective C programming Tutorial
Please watch the take off at Cologne/ Bonn Airport: www.youtube.com Landing at Leipzig/ Halle Airport (LEJ) from Cologne/ Bonn Airport (CGN) in the A319 of germanwings. Airline: Germanwings Aircraft: Airbus A319-132 (D-AGWN) Aircraft Delivered: 08/02/2005 Airport: Leipzig/ Halle Airport (EDDP/LEJ) Runway: 08L Date: 15 April 2011 / Time: 17:00 Seat: 12A Flight Number: 4U078 Camera: Sony DSC-HX1 More informations & videos: www.youtube.com Tags: plane landing crashes fsx 747 400 succesful japan airlines flaring smooth 737 crash fligth simulator rl eham schiphol aircraft klm jal landing plane nice addictedfreakie old hong kong Kai tak Japan airlinesFSX new processor PMDG las vegas ultra high settings DX10 flight sim slight simulator x fsx fs9 high quality amazing gfx core i7 overclocked fsx benchmark test 4870×2 fsx Ariane design 737 Microsoft Flight Simulator X airbus A380 Boeing FSX aircraft takeoff landing singapore sydney dreamliner 787 747 777 797 Software / Hardware Installation | Home network repair | Memory Upgrades Wired / Wireless Network set-up | General Maintenance | File and Printer Sharing | Operating System Installation / Upgrades | FREE Estimates Tutoring / Training | Spyware and Virus issues | Onsite Computer tutoring (Individuals) | Removal, | protection and Prevention Training | Free Anti-Spyware Software | Microsoft Office | Firewall Configurations | Internet Browsing | Browser Configurations | Data Recovery | Data Recovery due to HD Failure | Missing …