October 14, 2012
Easiest way to make a Hackintosh! No iBoot CD or Multibeast required. Things you need: 1. Compatible Hardware – My specs are: Mobo – Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R CPU – Intel Quad Core 2.83Ghz Graphics – ATI Radeon HD 5000 1024MB RAM – 4GB DDR2 2. USB mouse and keyboard. 3.Download and burn Niresh’s .iso file onto a DVD. thepiratebay.se or just search google. 4. Register for free then download Chameleon. www.osx86.net http 5. Follow instructions from the download 6. Enjoy you new mac. 🙂 *It is Better to Remove All Other Hard Disks Presented in Your Computer {IF Your DVD Rom Hangs During Installation Your DVD Drive isn’t Getting Enough Power So Change The Power Cable and USE Separate Power Cables for “DVD ROM and HDDs” } *
Tags: 5850-or-better, cd problem, dvd, dvd drive problem, future-soldier, game, graphics, installation, intel, other-hard, then-download, windows
Posted in CD/DVD Drive Problem | No Comments »
October 14, 2012
WindowsXP users read this forums.ubi.com Minimum hardware requirements: Supported Operating Systems: Windows® XP (with Service Pack 3)/Windows Vista® (with Service Pack 2)/ Windows 7® (with Service pack 1), both 32 bit & 64 bit versions PROCESSOR: Intel Pentium D 3.0 Ghz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4400+ 2.2Ghz RAM: 1GB Windows XP / 2GB Windows Vista or Windows 7 VIDEO CARD: 256 MB DirectX–compliant, Shader 4.0–enabled video card** DIRECT X®: DirectX 9.0c DVD-ROM DRIVE: DVD-ROM speed 4x, dual-layer drive SOUND CARD: DirectX 9.0c — compliant sound card HDD space : 25 GB Recommended Configuration: CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q9450/ AMD Phenom II X4 940 or higher RAM: 2 GB Windows® XP / 3 GB Windows Vista® & 7® Graphics Card: 1024 MB DirectX–compliant, Shader 4.0–enabled video card based on nVidia GeForce GTX 460 or AMD/ATi HD 5850 or better Screenshots of login screen: i.imgur.com i.imgur.com i.imgur.com Crack Only: safelinking.net Ghost Recon Future Soldier Fix-SKIDROW: safelinking.net Note: This fix is for users having problems getting the game to start cause of admin rights on windows, install over old crack and make sure all Game and Ubisoft Launcher processes are blocked on firewall. Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier v1.1 Update SKIDROW safelinking.net Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier v1.2 Update SKIDROW safelinking.net Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier v1.3 Update SKIDROW safelinking.net Patch 1.3 Changes – Input compatibility fix – Mouse + WASD not working on …
Tags: 5850-or-better, cd problem, clancys, direct, dvd, fix, future-soldier, game, graphics, intel, service-pack, soldier, vista, windows, windows-vista
Posted in CD/DVD Drive Problem | No Comments »
October 3, 2012
This Configuration is for low GPUs (Graphics processing units) or a video cards for those who don’t know what a GPU is. PS: I Have A core i3 processor, so these setting might not work with low processor computers Its the Graphics card that i have that sucks bananas Another PS: these Configurations are the lowest u can get if u like to see what you’re playing so if this doesn’t work.Get another computer,if you don’t have money go to sleep. This is my first video u have to start at some point please subscribe i will be uploading many GREAT videos Copyrights (If Any) belong to the PCSX2Team
Tags: computer problems, configuration, configurations, copyrights, first-video, graphics, low-processor, lowest, pcsx2team, science & technology, start-at-some, these-setting, video-cards
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
August 17, 2012
Hey, so today i show you how to install a legit copy of Mac OSX Lion on a Windows PC. i want to thank tonymacx86 for providing the tool’s and giving the written instructions. TONYMACx86: (Provided all the links and software) [NEED TO REGISTER] tonymacx86.com www.tonymacx86.com {DOWNLOAD UNIBEAST AND MULTIBEAST; LION} Written Tutorial: tonymacx86.blogspot.co.uk CODES THAT CAN BE USED: PCIRootUID=0 PCIRootUID=1 PCIRootUID=1 -x GraphicsEnabler=No -s -v -x don’t forget to rate,comment and subscribe. also subscribe to me on my gaming channel: www.youtube.com if you have any problems or requests message me or email me at: heartbreakerkyd_78@hotmail.co.uk Twitter: @101TechHacker
Tags: apple, gaming-channel, graphics, links, technology, tool, windows, written
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
July 31, 2012
Overclocking Nvidia Geforce GT 520 **On the bottom of the GEFORCE 285.62 DRIVER page there is a link saying “NVIDIA System Tools software” (goo.gl that is the download that you will need to see the performance tab.** Sorry for any issues. Thanks for watching 🙂
Tags: amd, card, digital, geforce, graphics, laptop, link-saying, memory, nvidia, nvidia-geforce, overclocking, the-download
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
June 10, 2012
Everything you need to get Mass Effect 3 up and running completely for free. Mass Effect 3 – full game kat.ph PowerISO kat.ph uTorrent www.utorrent.com
Tags: download-cyanogen, electronics, functioning abnormally, graphics, installation, maker, software tutorial, steps, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
May 15, 2012
Media Genesis www.mediag.com 1441 E. Maple Rd, Suite 200 Troy, MI 48083 A short animated introduction that we use at the front of our usability videos. A little background per Wiki “A heuristic evaluation is a discount usability inspection method for computer software that helps to identify usability problems in the user interface (UI) design. It specifically involves evaluators examining the interface and judging its compliance with recognized usability principles (the “heuristics”). The main goal of heuristic evaluations is to identify any problems associated with the design of user interfaces.” Inquiry@MediaG.com Since 1996, Media Genesis has been a leading Internet services firm in Troy, Michigan. We serve over 300 companies and nonprofit organizations. Our in-house team provides a wide range of services, including web design and development, e-learning, search engine optimization, application development, intranet, social networking, and content management systems.
Tags: art, crack, design, film, film & animation, fun, graphics, including-web, interface, media, user, video art, walls
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
May 9, 2012
***UPDATE*** Actually, I had called Dell Tech Support who told me this was a fried graphics card, but because the graphics card and motherboard are all integrated this laptop was sent back to Dell for replacement. To top it all off… this exact same problem happened AGAIN a couple months later. I ditched the Dell and went with a custom built desktop. Personally, I’ll never buy a Dell again as this is the second Dell laptop I’ve bought and had major issues with.
Tags: ati, dell, display, exact, fix, graphics, inspiron, issue, laptop, netbook, nvidia, repair, screen, video
Posted in Monitor Problem | No Comments »
April 16, 2012
Hey everyone, this is my first upload for my very first LP of all time. I recorded This about 3 months ago, and due to some computer problems, I wasn’t able to upload it, but I was able to save this away in storage. Hopefully I’ll get back up and running, got alot of stuff to record, and with my new PC upgrades, I’m able to run my capture card on my computer now :D. But now onto the game. This is by far one of my fave games, It’s not for everyone, but it’s a great game to me. It’s environment, and atmosphere is amazing, it’s gloomy and depressing, but very interesting, and keeps your imagination at work, it really makes you wonder what has happened, and how it happened. And it’s a very lonely game as well, very few NPC’s in the game. But it’s great to me, like i said, it’s not a game for everyone, some people may find it way too slow, some people may not like the graphics, but I love it. Anyway, after a long ass description, I hope you enjoy the video, and expect alot more soon to come! My role model! Nintendo Caprisun, He makes the best LP’s and is better than me by far. www.youtube.com
Tags: ancient, computer-now, enjoy-the-video, field, first-upload, graphics, onto-the-game, really-makes, zelda
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
February 27, 2012
This video will show you how to make a Minecraft Server. This has been tested on Minecraft 1.0.0 and 1.1 READ THE DESCRIPTION! Q & A Below. ————————————————————————————————————— Minecraft_server.jar: www.minecraft.net Code (For ‘Start.command’): www.minecraftwiki.net Hamachi (Download ‘Unmanaged’ Version): secure.logmein.com Code (Type into Terminal): chmod a+x (remember the space at the end), also do not copy and paste it into terminal, just type it yourself, or it won’t work. Pre-Made Folder (1.1): www.mediafire.com Note* The Pre-made folder only includes server files, it does not include the actual game or any paid software, you will have to buy them from Mojang / Minecraft. ————————————————————————————————————— Q & A: Q.) My friend can’t join. _____A.) Watch my video on it: www.youtube.com Q.) It says ‘outdated server’. _____A #1.) I made a video on how to update the server: www.youtube.com _____A #2.) Make sure you are running the latest version of minecraft, you can do that by checking ‘force update’ before you log in. Then go back to minecraft.net and re-download to ‘minecraft_server.jar’. Q.) How do I put mods in the server? _____A.) Technically, this type of server does not support mods, but a CraftBukkit server can. I recently made a video on how to make one, check it out: www.youtube.com Q.) Do I need hamachi …
Tags: custom, dig, graphics, ground, howto, includes-server, instructions, laptops, minituff, need-hamachi, turorial
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »