This video shows the easy method to solve the issue-Wireless network connection does not have a valid ip configuration.
How freakin cool is this? Our Internet connection got cut during some construction yesterday, and although we have an EXPENSIVE Time Warner business connection, we can’t get them to show up and do a 5 minute repair. Time Warner promised multiple times to send someone out to fix it, and also to have someone call us. But no one has, no matter how much we escallate the issue. Meanwhile, the Dish guys are here installing our new Hopper system and they overheard us talking about the problem and offered to just fix it for us! Have you ever heard of such amazing service? We haven’t.
UPDATE 01/23/2013: Joel Rose solved the issue! See answer below. In the end it was a simple fix but it took me months to find out. Internet Explorer 10 always crashes in Windows 8. Google Chrome works perfectly though. Come on Microsoft, you should’ve done better to promote IE10. answers.microsoft.com
I occasionally run into an issue on my iPhone where YouTube videos load extremely slow when using the built in YouTube app, even when I’m on a fast wifi connection. This video has a tip on how to fix this issue. Also applies to the new YouTube app from Google for iOS 6. If you have problems watching the video, you can also read the details on my blog : www.jasonhartman.net Hint : You basically need to delete your cache from Safari settings (cookies and data). This is for all of you that complain that this video shockingly plays slow on your slow-loading YouTube app. Ha! Maybe you shouldn’t be searching for help on YouTube if you can’t play YouTube videos. 🙂
I accidentally tried to open a .zip file with internet explorer and this is what happened. Note: the issue eventually resolved itself. You can see me trying to close the window by clicking on the X, but the window is constantly opening and closing so I never get a good click on it. Finally (after I stopped filming) an error prompt appeared to close the window entirely.
Click here — regcurelicensekeycode.com and speed up your computer and download Regcure, the tool that I’m talking about in the video. Most people have go it all wrong, they think they have a slow computer because it’s too old or not good enough. But here is the true reason why your computer’s speed decreases over time: maintaining your computer is the key to keeping it fast and efficient. Don’t worry, it is complicated at all, you can easily learn how to speed up computer speed, get rid of error messages and system crashing or freezing by applying 3 simple steps that I’m about to show you. So let’s start with step #1: Free up disk space Many people aren’t aware to this issue, your hard-disk has a huge effect on the speed of you computer and if it’s overloaded it would slow down your computer. In order to solve this issue, just run the Disk Cleanup utility once a month. The Disk Cleanup utility is a free software provided by Microsoft, you don’t need to download it cause it’s already installed on your computer. Just Click on the Start button, go to all programs, click on Accessories, click on System tools and then start the Disk Cleanup. The DiskClean wool calculate how much space can be free and you just need to select which files to delete and click on ok Don’t worry, it’s not going to delete any of your personal files, these are mainly temporary unused system files are files that you have already deleted. If you still have a slow computer, move on to the next step to …
First off I want to say “THANKS!” to Amazon for the great support they provide their customers. I’m always amazed when I have an issue with a purchase because Amazon always steps up to the plate and helps, no matter what the issue is. On to the review… I’ve actually received 2 of these monitors and they both had the same problem… For a lack of a better way to describe it.. they both have a lite leak in the bottom right hand corner. One of the monitors was worse than the other in that it had other places that “lite” up the screen. I decided to do a video review because I’m hoping it will better show the problem I’ve had. I have contacted Samsung twice by phone and three times in email. I haven’t heard a word from the email but both of the representatives I spoke with felt they were defective monitors. The last rep was able to pull up the pictures I had sent to see what the issue was. Only suggestion he had was for me to send it to Samsung for repair. I think Samsung should test one to make sure it works ok and send it to me in exchange for one of the bad ones… Of course that’s just my thought. I originally didn’t like this monitor because I thought it looked like a sewing machine… 🙂 I have to admit it’s a beautiful monitor with spectacular color. Only wish we could resolve the “small” issue I have… If I don’t hear anything more from Samsung I am going to request Amazon to send me a third one in hope it might be a’ok. I’m also going to see if I can find one in a …
***UPDATE*** Actually, I had called Dell Tech Support who told me this was a fried graphics card, but because the graphics card and motherboard are all integrated this laptop was sent back to Dell for replacement. To top it all off… this exact same problem happened AGAIN a couple months later. I ditched the Dell and went with a custom built desktop. Personally, I’ll never buy a Dell again as this is the second Dell laptop I’ve bought and had major issues with.