February 20, 2013
bit.ly – Professional SEO services. Get a ton of high quality backlinks with high diversity built to any website you want, including edu and Gov. Test drive their professional SEO Services for a full 30 days for just 0.01$ and your payments processed through PayPal so you can CANCEL at anytime if you don’t like their seo services. Professional Seo services Cheap Seo Services Their Professional SEO services work’s… Period. It’s a premium SEO Company so it’s rest assured that this will be the best $0.01 you Ever spent bit.ly
Tags: ground, looked-at-assessing, marketing, payments, professional, seo, services-their, services-work, week
Posted in Internet Marketing, SEO | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
stewartmedia.biz Last week we looked at assessing your SEO. This week we examine how to start from the ground up with your SEO using wordpress.
Tags: examine-how, ground, looked-at-assessing, marketing, seo, the-ground, week
Posted in Internet Marketing, SEO | No Comments »
October 6, 2012
The EX58-EXTREME is the latest high performance X58 Series motherboards of GIGABYTE, designed from the ground up to unleash the awesome power of Intels new Core i7 processors. Up to 3 VGA cards are supported for either 3 way CrossFireX™ or 3 way SLI™ action, delivering the ultimate in graphics performance for gaming enthusiasts who demand the highest frame rates without compromising on resolution
Tags: awesome, awesome-power, frame-rates, from-the-ground, ground, highest, how to fix, latest, science & technology, the-ground, the-highest, the-latest, ultimate
Posted in Motherboard Problem | No Comments »
February 27, 2012
This video will show you how to make a Minecraft Server. This has been tested on Minecraft 1.0.0 and 1.1 READ THE DESCRIPTION! Q & A Below. ————————————————————————————————————— Minecraft_server.jar: www.minecraft.net Code (For ‘Start.command’): www.minecraftwiki.net Hamachi (Download ‘Unmanaged’ Version): secure.logmein.com Code (Type into Terminal): chmod a+x (remember the space at the end), also do not copy and paste it into terminal, just type it yourself, or it won’t work. Pre-Made Folder (1.1): www.mediafire.com Note* The Pre-made folder only includes server files, it does not include the actual game or any paid software, you will have to buy them from Mojang / Minecraft. ————————————————————————————————————— Q & A: Q.) My friend can’t join. _____A.) Watch my video on it: www.youtube.com Q.) It says ‘outdated server’. _____A #1.) I made a video on how to update the server: www.youtube.com _____A #2.) Make sure you are running the latest version of minecraft, you can do that by checking ‘force update’ before you log in. Then go back to minecraft.net and re-download to ‘minecraft_server.jar’. Q.) How do I put mods in the server? _____A.) Technically, this type of server does not support mods, but a CraftBukkit server can. I recently made a video on how to make one, check it out: www.youtube.com Q.) Do I need hamachi …
Tags: custom, dig, graphics, ground, howto, includes-server, instructions, laptops, minituff, need-hamachi, turorial
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »