Fix Common Problems With Your Computer Windows 8 or 8.1 can sometimes have common issues with audio sound, video / graphics drivers, firewall problem, windows updates, network adapter and…
Employee Monitor – If you want to track your employees and see what they are doing all day at work then PC Tattletale is a great place to start. Employee monitoring is not hard if you just know where to get started. That is what this video is all about. PC Tattletale is powerful computer and internet monitoring software that works much like a keylogger without all the common problems that a keylogger can cause. With PC Tattletale you can see every website your employees go to. You can see who they email. How much time they are doing what you are paying them to do. Many people find that just by monitoring their staff they can save lots of money in lost productivity. Many times just a simple conversation with your employees will stop their bad behaviors. But if not. If you have to fire them then PC Tattletale will help you keep the evidence you need to build your case. The best part is you can try PC Tattletale 7 days free by visiting their website at www.pctattletale.com.
Recorded August 9, 2012 at the Nashville .NET User Group (nashdotnet.org). Underscore.js is a very powerful JavaScript library that provides a suite of utility methods useful for many front-end development projects. It works nicely along-side jQuery, Backbone.js, and many other libraries. Instead of just going through the API we will target 5 common problems that front-end developers encounter and show how we can use Underscore.js to easily tackle them. Once you see the value of this little library you might find yourself adding it to every new project going forward.