The Host’s Guest Special: Welcome to the Host’s Guest Special where the five MCs recommended a guest each for the show. Jaeseok recommended actress Seo Woo, Myungsoo recommended rapper.
To Speed Up your Internet Connection, Visit: www.delete-computer-history.com You can easily restrict a website by editing your Host file. This action will prohibit your computer from being able to load the website URL. You can also block a website on the router level by accessing your router settings. Other ways to disable a website would be to use Parental Controls and using your browser settings.
In this tutorial, I am going to teach you how to configure a wired network connection between your host computer and a virtual machine. For my virtualization software, I am using VMware Fusion 5 on a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.7. My guest operating system (virtual machine) is BackTrack 5 R3. If you want to learn how to configure a wireless network connection in a BackTrack 5 virtual machine, refer to my tutorial: “How To: Configure a Wireless Network Connection in BackTrack 5.” youtu.be
I have a Warcraft III Hosting Site. Here it is: war3hosting.webs.com (NOTE: Windows XP Demonstration. I do not give Mac support, sorry.) IF THE VIDEO DOES NOT PLAY: TYPE “&fmt=18” at the end of the URL.I’ll make some comments to the video. Just click View All Comments to see a text description on how to do this. Link to Portforwarding site: portforward.com I’d also like to share some info on what kind of things can block you from hosting. Router (port forwarding) Modem Firewall (like Windows Firewall) Software (can block other software/ports) For Vista users:(I haven’t found any problems as for the default settings for Vista. If settings have been manually changed then the software may need to be checked.) Windows Firewall is a bit different on Vista so you need to do something else. First you need to login to Administration Tools with Windows Firewall. Once there you need to configurate inbound/outbound rules for ICMPv6 for routers. Another thing I found that might help: In the Advanced tab of your windows firewall un-check your connection from the box. This will let the firewall know you don’t want it to protect your connection. This way you can receive incoming connections. Username/Password If you don’t know it and the person who set-up the router doesn’t know it.. Try looking default username/password for your specific router or you could just reset the router back to default if it is not already at default. There should be a little pen-size hole somewhere that will …