February 19, 2013
askcharlyleetham.com We were having problems with videos rendered with a m4v extension and hosted on Amazon S3 playing on Internet Explorer. The error message -The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported:- would be displayed. After a bit of investigation, we found the issue was related to the http headers being set when the videos were uploaded – changing the content type to the correct video type fixed the problem!
Tags: amazon, content, correct, either-because, internet, internet network problem, m4v-extension, problem, were-uploaded
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
January 18, 2013
Clear/Clearwire Internet with a modem mod that allows you to connect a wimax antenna. Achieving speeds of 20mbps is no problem with the correct setup! If your in Philadelphia contact me, for a small fee I can do all the labor involved. For more info go to: help@wimaxspot360.com or contact ninoriff2 on youtube
Tags: correct, diy, fix, neucopia, philadelphia, splash-because, sweeten-the-pot, the-correct, valuable
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
December 9, 2012
In this video I show you how to make your own Minecraft server. Keep in mind that while this tutorial is for Windows, the process is pretty much the same on a Mac. Port Forwarding Site portforward.com Port Check Site www.yougetsignal.com *FAQ* Q)I can’t open minecraft_server.exe A)Type .exe at the end of the filename and open it again. Q)I can’t login to the server (Bad Login) A)Restart the Minecraft program and try again. If it still doesn’t work, try again. If it still will not work, restart your computer. Q)I can’t open the Server Properties file. A)Right click the file, chose open with, then choose Notepad to open the file. Q)I can’t find my router model number. A)The model number should be printed on the router. If not, check the manual that came with the router. If you still can’t find it, try a google search. Q)My router model number isn’t on the Port Forward site. A)Run a google search on how to forward ports on your router. Q)I’ve done everything you’re done, but it still says port 25565 was closed. A1)Wireless Networks – remember to forward the ports from the computer that has the has the router plugged into it. If you do not forward the ports from that computer, you will not be able to forward the ports. A2)Wired Connections – Retry the port forwarding process. Make sure you are forwarding the correct port (25565), and are following the correct format for entering the information into your firewall. If the port is still not open, try a google search on how to …
Tags: correct, done-everything, file, howto & style, minecraft, networks, port, ports, repair, server, tutorial, video, windows
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
January 20, 2012
How to Fix Limewire Pirate Edition connection problem in 2012 Using: LPE ConnectFix by Gnutella If Limewire Pirate Edition is trying to connect indefinitely or forever then this tip is for you. This is for those who still have problems connecting to Limewire Pirate Edition. Download program at ifile.it OR Download program at www.multiupload.com Theme Lebis v1.1 by *Xyrax (WinXP only) * xyrax.deviantart.com Background Music Masakazu Sugimori – Prologue ~The Beginning of the Night * www.mediafire.com Say NO to SOPA! Write your representative. writerep.house.gov
Tags: 2012, background, correct, gnutella, java, media, music-masakazu, patch, piracy, Problems, will-not, working
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
June 17, 2011
i think i describe everything in the vid, but just incase you dont get the gist of it: my black berry is caught in a constant reboot cycle, and the only way to get it out, is to reload the software. i have downloaded and installed the correct operation system for the phone, but when i use try tp use the app loader to reload the device software it tells me i dont have the device software on my computer? really stuck wit this one, and also heard that someone else is having the same problem, any help much appreciated! thanks
Tags: 8100, application, black, certain-program, correct, device, diy, pearl, program, really-stuck, restarted, same-problem, the-correct, will-definitely
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »