How to Fix problems connecting to the Playstation Network DAILY LIVE STREAMS 3pm PST http://www.twitch.tv/whiteboy7thst GET GOAT GEAR! http://www.whiteboy7thst.spreadshirt.com SUBSCRIBE!
XBOX 360 IMAGE adf.ly PS3 IMAGE adf.ly XPADDER DOWNLOAD TUTORIAL: adf.ly How to configure your PS3 XBOX360 or any type of controller you have using the amazing program Xpadder. This is a very easy step by step tutorial. ————————————————————————- *READ WINDOW 7 USERS* if you are using Windows 7 right click and go to troubleshoot compatibility click the on that says worked on older version then click windows vista if you have the old one the new one supports windows 7 ————————————————————————- *READ PS3 CONTROLLER USERS* If you are using a Playstation 3 controller you need a program called DS3 tools i will not give the link because i do not know anything about the program,how to use it, etc. because i do not own a Playstation 3.
How to Connect your PS3 to a standard LCD monitor, very simple and easy to do. Email: syphergaming@gmail.com Site to get HDMI to DVI cable cheaper: www.craigslist.org 3.5mm Female to Female Adapter(if needed): ecx.images-amazon.com for it on bestbuy, futureshop etc, should be cheap) Subscribe! More vids on the way! Thank you!
This is my dell monitor. After turning on the power button the screen would go blank after a couple seconds and the power light would stay on. I searched the problem online and found out it was the inverter on the power board. I found a new power board on eBay and replaced it in this video. Sorry it was so bright but I accidentally had the camera set to night shot lol. Hope this video helps you to repair yours. Thumbs up if it did. Peace
okay here’s the prof how LA Noire runs on Low-End computer and tweak i was able to play this game in 30fps fix and below everything is fine until i reach this case My system specs: Windows 7 64bit Intel Core2Duo E7500 2.93ghz Geforce 9500GT / 512MB 4Gb of RAM in-game setting: Resolution – 800x600x60 Antialiasing – 0 Anisotropic Filtering – 1 Ambient Occlusion – NO Facial Quality – Quality Texture Quality – Performance Shadow Quality – Performance Lightning Quality – Performance Environmenta Map – Performance LOD Quality – Performance while recording im getting 12fps and belows FRAPS cuts it, not recording its 30fps and below tweaking: 1.go your LALauncher 2.option 3.add these under command-line -str -npd -nonv thats all play and enjoy… always play under LALauncher for effective tweak otherwise it wont work WATCH IN 720p! SUBSCRIBE for more Videos! and Dont ask me how to fix the long loading Sync i can’t help you with it…
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