Symptoms: Desktop performance is fine, as soon as you start playing a game though and within a few minutes you experience a severe drop in frame rate which results in your computer stuttering, unable to move as smoothly as before and the response time is very slow. If your G50V is HOT on the left side vent then it is most likely the fan that is clogged up with dust. Unfortunately there is NO way to blow the dust out with everything intact so you will have to remove the component and clean it. Do not bother with lazy NON fixes like drivers, and disabling services, defragging, etc. I am sure all those do help to a degree but if you experience anything like the drop in frame rate you see in this video do not bother with the software fix for this, it is hardware, your computer is overheating and you gotta fix it sooner than later. Follow the instructions on this video and you will be much better off. I am not responsible for any broken laptops or components. Anything in this video is at your own risk. It worked for me though ;] Download speed fan to monitor your GPU and CPU(s) temperature before the drop in frame rate, and then immediately check after and you will see some frightening numbers. If your temp is over 100 C like mine was then do not hesitate to fix your computer. Be sure to purchase thermal compound such as Arctic Silver 5. I got mine from my local Radio Shack for $9.99. Hope this helps you guys out!