January 16, 2013
10 useful programs for repairing computer software and analyzing hardware. All are free to download and use for personal use, and some offer paid versions for commercial use. You can find download links at tjfree.com, or simply search the name of the program with Google.
Tags: download-links, education, functioning abnormally, links-at-tjfree, offer-paid, personal-use, program, search-the-name, simply-search, software problems, the-program, useful-programs
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 16, 2013
I am having problems with any of the non default Windows 7 x64 drivers for the NVidia 9800GT. It is a really anoying problem. Reinstallation of Windows 7 etc is not helping. Upgraded all drivers and firmwares it that was possible. Removed my soundblaster audio card (now using on-board audio). Really nothing helps. Restoring back to the previous drivers fixes the problem.
Tags: all-drivers, audio-card, diy, drivers-fixes, fix, having-problems, nvidia, on-board-audio, previous, problem, science & technology, software problems, soundblaster, windows, x64-drivers
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 14, 2013
Download a free 30-day trial of SolarWinds Storage Manager now: bit.ly The drive to virtualization causes resource contention problems throughout the infrastructure. These problems are especially difficult to find and diagnose when related to your networked storage infrastructure. By using the right tools, you can quickly diagnose and correct these issues in your environment.
Tags: causes-resource, environment, fix, free-30-day, infrastructure, networked, right-tools, storage, these-issues, using-the-right, winds-storage, your-networked
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 14, 2013
I spent over an hour trying to make the automatic updates for Windows 8 work. My pc would download and install the updates. Then it would try to configure the updates and at a certain point, it would give me this message: “Failure configuring Windows Update, reverting..” I found the fix after doing some research. I’m sure others would encounter the same problem so I’m posting this information to spare users the pain of looking for a fix. Remember to run your antivirus software after ujpdating to see if you have inadvertently downloaded a virus. A side note, Windows 8 cannot play your dvd unless you download the Media Center Pack. If you have Windows 8 pro, you can get the product key free at Microsoft until the end of Jan. 2013. Click here to subscribe to this channel: www.youtube.com
Tags: after-ujpdating, automatic, certain-point, channel, media, media-center, message, science & technology, software problems, until-the-end, updates, users-the-pain, windows, windows-update
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 13, 2013
Hope this helped! My #1 Homie, eLGeez’s channel: www.youtube.com PEACE OUT HOMIEZ!!!
Tags: diy, fix, functioning abnormally, helped, homie, peace, science & technology
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 12, 2013
Here are some conceptual and word problems to the lesson that we learned in the previous video. This video is to help you better understand the information covered in the first video. Investary Website — www.investary.org Twitter – http Google+ – plus.google.com Facebook – www.facebook.com Questions, comments, feedback? Leave it in the comments section. Also if you can please subscribe and like this video, it will help me tremendously.
Tags: education, facebook, fix, lesson, previous, questions, the-information, the-lesson, the-previous, video, word-problems
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 11, 2013
Learn how high volume carrier and call centers are using Network Time Machine to rapidly troubleshoot problems and identify choke points in the network. Get our white paper at www.flukenetworks.com Using a unique, application-centric approach, the Network Time Machine™ (NTM) and ClearSight™ Analyzer simplify and expedite root cause identification. With NTM, you can record, identify, and analyze current and past network traffic to view activity as it happens or go back days or weeks to quickly: – Resolve application performance problems without looking at packets – Isolate the root cause of intermittent application events – Provide evidence to trace the sequence of events leading up to critical performance events, and security or compliance issues – Troubleshoot issues anywhere from the application level to the packet level – Debug equipment and application performance before rolling out new solutions See for yourself; request a free NTM evaluation on your network. www.flukenetworks.com
Tags: application, before-rolling, days-or-weeks, expedite-root, identify-choke, network, paper-at-www, sequence, troubleshoot
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 11, 2013
www.thecomputerroomnottingham.co.uk – 0115 972 1120 07545 251 571Serving Nottingham Derby and Leicester with parts and repair for iPhone, iPod, pc and mac of all kinds. Removing virus and malware threats from a computer. This movie is for showing an example of what The Computer Room Nottingham can do for any issues you may have with computers, iphones and ipods. It was made by Leon Stacey and is no way a guide of how repairs can be performed by anyone else and to that end, The Computer Room Nottingham and Leon Stacey cannot be held responsible for anything that happens from you undertaking repairs yourself of any nature. Terms and Conditions of using our services are at www.thecomputerroomnottingham.co.uk/terms-and-conditions.
Tags: computer-room, conditions, diy, leicester, malware-threats, movie, nottingham, science & technology, services, stacey
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 11, 2013
This was an issue I was having on the Netflix app that I posted my fixes. MAKE SURE SILVERLIGHT IT UP TO DATE, you can do that at this link. www.microsoft.com
Tags: fixes, functioning abnormally, netflix, science & technology, software problems
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 11, 2013
www.thepersonalcomputerservice.co.uk – 0115 972 1120 07545 251 571Serving Nottingham Derby and Leicester with computer service for pc and mac. Testing a failed hard drive. This movie is for showing an example of what The Computer Room Nottingham can do for any issues you may have with computers, iphones and ipods. It was made by Leon Stacey and is no way a guide of how repairs can be performed by anyone else and to that end, The Computer Room Nottingham and Leon Stacey cannot be held responsible for anything that happens from you undertaking repairs yourself of any nature. Terms and Conditions of using our services are at www.thecomputerroomnottingham.co.uk/terms-and-conditions.
Tags: computer-room, conditions, failed-hard, fix, leicester, movie, nottingham, science & technology, services, stacey
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »