Learn how high volume carrier and call centers are using Network Time Machine to rapidly troubleshoot problems and identify choke points in the network. Get our white paper at www.flukenetworks.com Using a unique, application-centric approach, the Network Time Machine™ (NTM) and ClearSight™ Analyzer simplify and expedite root cause identification. With NTM, you can record, identify, and analyze current and past network traffic to view activity as it happens or go back days or weeks to quickly: – Resolve application performance problems without looking at packets – Isolate the root cause of intermittent application events – Provide evidence to trace the sequence of events leading up to critical performance events, and security or compliance issues – Troubleshoot issues anywhere from the application level to the packet level – Debug equipment and application performance before rolling out new solutions See for yourself; request a free NTM evaluation on your network. www.flukenetworks.com