January 24, 2013
I’ve tried to make show how to resolve dependency Problems of the Eagle CAD 6.3 binary file under Ubuntu 12.10 “the hard way”: by extracting the binary from the installation package and checking its 32-bit library dependencies. See www.kaibader.de for more information.
Tags: 32-bit-library, binary, checking-its, diy, eagle, file-under, installation, make-show, Problems, science & technology, ubuntu
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 24, 2013
Essential Question: In the midst of the rise of an urban population, how can we alter the means of transportation to make travel more convenient? We have been using cars for just over a century now. It is almost essentially the same as its original design. There are four wheels, it has one wheel to steer and pedals to speed up and slow down. With society today, cars are becoming more and more abundant and their efficiency by means of travel isn’t what it used to be. Because of this abundance, people have to wait in sometimes hours of traffic, just to go a few miles. Almost to the point, that using other means of transportation would be more effective. So the goal in this TED talk is to figure out what ways we could the flow of traffic and why haven’t these innovations been in place earlier. We will be exploring futuristic principles of computer software integration with traffic patterns and the possibility of flying cars as solutions.
Tags: abundance, alter-the-means, becoming-more, fix, more-convenient, possibility, society-today, sometimes-hours, the-possibility
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 24, 2013
UPDATE 01/23/2013: Joel Rose solved the issue! See answer below. In the end it was a simple fix but it took me months to find out. Internet Explorer 10 always crashes in Windows 8. Google Chrome works perfectly though. Come on Microsoft, you should’ve done better to promote IE10. answers.microsoft.com
Tags: done-better, explorer, fix, google-chrome, issue, microsoft, science & technology, simple-fix, software problems, windows, works-perfectly
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 22, 2013
visit the official website: bit.ly LiveAdmin – Computer Protection and Repair Services * Spyware, Malware and Virus removal * Hardware diagnostics * Registry optimization * System optimization * Disk defragmentation * Tune-up of your computer to make it run faster * Microsoft Windows and Apple Critical Updates * Assistance and repair of any computer problem * 1 PC License * Reusable up to 5 times per month
Tags: apple, apple-critical, assistance, microsoft, official, registry, repair-services, reusable, run-faster, the-official, your-computer
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 22, 2013
With Autodesk Maya 2011, you can create better skinned characters with more realistic deformations in less time. New skinning tools and workflows include a dual quaternion option for smooth skinning, interactive volume binding, multiple enhancements to the Paint Skin Weights tool, deformer weight mirroring, and a surface falloff mode for the Wrap deformer.
Tags: autodesk, autodesk-maya, create-better, deformer-weight, dual-quaternion, paint-skin, science & technology, skinning-tools, smooth-skinning, surface-falloff, volume-binding, weights, wrap
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 20, 2013
RegTool www.homepcsoftware.net Be sure to take the RegTool Free scan here. Click on the link Are you looking for a tool that will fix your PC problems that includes slow operations, error messages, and so on? If so, then you might want to consider getting yourself RegTool. RegTool is s clean…
Tags: diy, includes-slow, might-want, regtool, science & technology, software problems, the-link
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 19, 2013
[Recorded Jan 26, 2005] Whitfield Diffie, a key figure in the discovery of public-key cryptography, traces the growth of information security through the 20th century and into the 21st. In the 1970s, the world of information security was transformed by public-key cryptography, the radical revision of cryptographic thinking that allowed people with no prior contact to communicate securely. “Public key” solved security problems born of the revolution in information technology that characterized the 20th century and made Internet commerce possible. Security problems rarely stay solved, however. Continuing growth in computing, networking, and wireless applications have given rise to new security problems that are already confronting us.
Tags: 20th, allowed-people, discovery, growth, internet, new-security, prior-contact, problems-born, problems-rarely, radical, revolution, science & technology, the-discovery, the-revolution
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 18, 2013
WinToFlash: Make a Bootable USB Installer for Windows 7, XP and Vista by britec.co.uk One of the main problems when trying to install a Windows operating system on a netbook is the lack of an optical drive. The main way of doing this is by sticking Windows on a bootable USB drive, however this can be easier than said and can cause hours of frustration. WinToFlash is looking to make the headaches of a bootable drive a thing in the past. The default program options make it simple to install the Windows operating system. The software is free of charge and is therefore well worth a try next time youre looking to install Windows on your netbook. Download: wintoflash.com ——————— www.briteccomputers.co.uk http www.pcrepairhertfordshire.co.uk
Tags: bootable-drive, default-program, fix, headaches, make-it-simple, options-make, therefore-well, vista, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 18, 2013
www.PcTechStream.com 1080p HD, Full Screen. Group Policy Preferences are one of the top 10 new features in Windows Server 2008. Other benefits include the ability to set preferences for applications and registry settings outside the scope of traditional Group Policy templates. If you need fine-control over who starts with which setting lookout for ‘Preference item-level targeting’.
Tags: ability, benefits, diy, group-policy, new-features, science & technology, scope, screen-group, set-preferences, the-ability, the-scope, windows, windows-server
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »