February 25, 2013
If you’re having problems with this guide, try the alternate guide here: www.youtube.com This is a self-help guide to removing the fake antivirus program “ThinkPoint”. You may also see fake MSE alerts popping up as well. Links: MBAM: download.bleepingcomputer.com If you’re having problems running MBAM, or getting permissions errors, make sure you are on an Administrator account. You can also do this process in Safe Mode + Networking: www.computerhope.com If this video truly helped you out, I appreciate donations: malwareup.org Come visit my forum and chat room at malwareup.org http
Tags: alerts-popping, alternate, chat-room, fake, fake antivirus, forum, guide, having-problems, networking, process, science & technology, truly-helped
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 24, 2013
Here we review the software of the Dell Venue, which is running Android 2.2. It has the Dell stage UI, meaning that there are multiple widgets that take up entire homescreens. There’s a music, home, gallery, email, twitter, and facebook widget. Also in terms of software there is an updated on screen keyboard that feels quite nice when entering text. Running the Quadrant benchmark shows that the Venue isn’t the fastest Android phone, but in day to day use, it keeps up
Tags: dell, disable-global, diy, fastest, files-as-best, fix, minor-issues, quadrant, quite-nice, sound-on-video, time, venue, video-clips
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 24, 2013
WARNING: INSTALLING NVIDIA PROPRIETARY DRIVERS MAY SCREW UP YOUR SYSTEM AT THIS POINT IN TIME…. STICK TO NOUVEAU UNLESS YOU LIKE A CHALLENGE… EVEN WHEN ROLLING BACK TO NOUVEAU… I AM HAVING ALOT OF STABILITY ISSUES… BUT WAS FINE BEFORE I INSTALLED NVIDIA…. THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT NVIDIA DRIVER SEEMS TO WORKS FINE… CURRENTLY IN BETA. HERE IS THE PPA / INSTRUCTIONS ubuntuguide.net sorry about occasional sound sync issue…had to manually line up sound file with video files as best as i could as I had problems with not having any sound on video clips when imported to kdenlive (strange) www.omgubuntu.co.uk Move Unity dock to bottom www.youtube.com disable global menu www.liberiangeek.net enjoy! minor issues discovered after video… installing proprietary nvidia driver is a bit funky when opening a tty afterwards…. constant frequency errors display continueously… annoying… some games screw with unity… like “teeworlds” for me when changing ingame resolution around… causes unity to freeze sometimes etc and messes up resolution… bugs.launchpad.net kaddy
Tags: around-causes, disable-global, files-as-best, fix, minor-issues, nvidia-driver, science & technology, sound-on-video, sync-issue-had, time, video-clips
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 24, 2013
A nice piece of free DJ software. Check the link below for more details… mixxx.org www.jldjuk.wordpress.com
Tags: check-the-link, diy, functioning abnormally, nice-piece, the-link
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 24, 2013
This is a self-help guide to removing the fake antimalware program “My Security Shield”. Symptoms of a My Security Shield infection include, but is not limited to: a large fake scanner window, fake popup alerts, Taskmgr disabled, Google searches redirected, and other program problems. Links RKill: www.bleepingcomputer.com download.bleepingcomputer.com MBAM: malwarebytes.org Microsoft Fix-It tool: support.microsoft.com If you wish, this guide can be used in Safe Mode: www.computerhope.com After removal, if you feel this guide helped you, I appreciate donations: malwareup.org
Tags: fake-popup, fix, guide, large-fake, not-limited, science & technology, security, security-shield
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 23, 2013
This video will ONLY WORK with Late-2009 iMac models with the Atheros Wi-Fi chip version 3.2. Each time you upgrade to a newer version of Mac OS X, you will have to perform the tutorial displayed in this video again. This tutorial will not work with any other models. Comments asking about any other models will not be answered. *NOTE* Performing this downgrade WILL remove AirDrop capabilities from your Mac. *CLICK HERE TO READ MORE* Rys Sommefeldt: bit.ly Full TechInform Post: techinform.us Useful Links: Sponsor: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com Vlog Channel: www.youtube.com Facebook Page: fb.me Twitter: bit.ly Tumblr: www.joethetechie.tumblr.com The Site www.TechInform.us TechIn5 – Official TechInform.us Podcast bit.ly Site Twitter: www.twitter.com
Tags: atheros, chip-version, downgrade, facebook, inform-post, inform-us-tech, models, official-tech, podcast, science & technology, software problems, tutorial, twitter
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 23, 2013
Prerequisites: A working OTRS installation A working Windows Severver A working ADS Administrator Privellages Aditional tools needed: The Support Tools provided by Microsoft (if not already installed) or an LDAP browser. Your favorite Text Editor. I prefer Notepad ++ Advanced tools: Wintail. This software is invaluable when searching for login problems. You need the following important things for the connection: BaseDN User Attribute IP or DNS name of the Directory Server The full distinguished name of a user to search the directory For the synchronization (and any login for that matter) of User information, your user need to have attributes for: First name Last name Email
Tags: ads, attribute, directory, microsoft, science & technology, support-tools, synchronization, the-connection, user
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 23, 2013
Google Tech Talk July 30, 2009 ABSTRACT Google Faculty Summit 2009: Global Connection: Inform and Empower Google Founder Larry Page addresses the Faculty Summit audience. Each year Google hosts leading academics from universities across the globe though our Faculty Summit program. Faculty Summits are designed to provide researchers with a chance to learn more about what Google does in each region and how we support university programs, as well as provide valuable networking time for academics and engineers.
Tags: empower-google, faculty, faculty-summit, faculty-summits, functioning abnormally, globe, globe-though, google-tech, hosts-leading, networking-time, science & technology, software problems, well-as-provide
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 23, 2013
Update: This works with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Mac X has speech recognition built in for dictating voice commands to the computer. The setup, of the speech recognition, is simple. Click on System Preferences — Speech — Speech Recognition tab, then start setting the system up. The process is quick and best of all this software comes free with the Mac.
Tags: class-notes, functioning abnormally, multiple-layers, prerequisites, router, science & technology, server-services, speech, the-speech, understanding, voice-commands, works
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 23, 2013
Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: February 15, 2013 Length of Class: 17:05 Tracks Networking Classes that Require a Computer Lab Prerequisites Setting Up Port Forwarding TCP/IP and Subnet Masking Understanding SOHO Routers Understanding Switches Introduction to Networking Physical Network Segmentation Purpose of Class This class teaches students why they should set up a separate Computer Lab network on their home network if they will be creating test servers and networks. It also explains the basic concepts such as; Port Forwarding to Multiple Layers of Routers, the Need for Different IP Subnets on the Same LAN, and that Conflicting Server Services can cause odd problems. Class Notes Reasons for a Separate Computer Lab Network– DNS and DHCP issues, performance problems Lab Network must be on a different IP Network then other LAN Networks. 192.168.1.x, 192.168.2.x, 192.168.3.x For access to servers form outside world port forwarding on your ISP Router must be pointed at the Router for your Lab Network Any $60 Linksys Router can be used to create a lab network. Lab Network Router External Interface needs to be configured to be on the same network as the ISP Router’s Internal Interfaces.
Tags: class, class-notes, diy, fix, forwarding, multiple-layers, network, network-router, networking, prerequisites, router, science & technology, server-services, understanding
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »