This video will ONLY WORK with Late-2009 iMac models with the Atheros Wi-Fi chip version 3.2. Each time you upgrade to a newer version of Mac OS X, you will have to perform the tutorial displayed in this video again. This tutorial will not work with any other models. Comments asking about any other models will not be answered. *NOTE* Performing this downgrade WILL remove AirDrop capabilities from your Mac. *CLICK HERE TO READ MORE* Rys Sommefeldt: bit.ly Full TechInform Post: techinform.us Useful Links: Sponsor: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com Vlog Channel: www.youtube.com Facebook Page: fb.me Twitter: bit.ly Tumblr: www.joethetechie.tumblr.com The Site www.TechInform.us TechIn5 – Official TechInform.us Podcast bit.ly Site Twitter: www.twitter.com