December 29, 2011
Hell Girl (Season 2) – 19 – Hell Amidst the Steam, Lodging for Travelers The story of how Wannyuudo came to join up with Ai is told, as a family whose ancestors were Ai’s victims 400 years ago face the same problem. About the Series: They call her Jigoku Shoujo – the Hell Girl. For endless years, Ai Enma has served as the embodiment of revenge itself. If you desire to send another’s soul to eternal torment, contact her via the internet and she’ll come from her land of endless sunset to deliver your revenge. At the cost of sending your own soul, of course, but it’s a price a surprising number of people are willing to pay. ————————————– Anime Network is a leading broadcast and digital distributor of Japanese animation in North America. Our premier independent cable/satellite VOD network reaches over 45 million households every month with Subscription On Demand (sVOD), Free On Demand (fVOD) and Transactional distribution. Fans can also access their favorite series and features anytime, anywhere through Anime Network Online, our official streaming service. Anime Network’s content is also available to watch or purchase from Hulu, iTunes, Netflix, Sony Playstation Network, X-Box Zune and many more partners. For more info, or to watch more full episodes and series, check out Anime Network across the web – – Anime Network Online (Official Site) : – Anime Network on Facebook : – Anime Network on Hulu : …
Tags: anime, anime-network, animenetwork, covenant, diy, facebook, fix, from-the-future, gregory, gregory markel, online-paper, season 2, shows, soul, subtitled
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
December 29, 2011
Everybody has become conscious of their “Online Paper Trail.” We’ve detagged ourselves from those embarrassing photos from a college party 5 years ago. But what’s really out there? Are we realistically able to protect ourselves from all the threats that exist online? And how much of our social presence do we really own and control? Internet security experts Gregory Markel and Marc Goodman join us to find out. TIMECODES: 00:00-00:20 This week, it’s the Dark Side of Social Media 00:36 There’s people out there who’s intentions aren’t so good. To tell us about those people are Gregory Markel and Marc Goodman 01:20 Reputation Management with Gregory Markel 02:00 The Playstation Network hack, and how it could have been prevented 03:02 Introducing Marc Goodman from the Future Crimes Institute 04:11 We’re unprepared for the crimes of tomorrow 06:10 The new ability of “Scaleable Crime” and the paradigm shift in scale of the world of crime 07:50 SOPA: Protector of content creators or blunt instrument of destruction 09:20 Gregory: governments are worried about digitally empowered crowds, Rob counters that it enables Big Media to protect their interests 10:50 The Utopia of the Internet. Real or not? 12:30 Who’s looking out for the identity and interests of the individual? According to Marc Goodman, organized crime 13:20 How organized crime is managing the “big data problem” 14:00 European privacy laws 14:46 Sam Osborn: Social Trail Guinea Pig 16:40 Spokeo 18:14 One of the changing …
Tags: diy, do it your self, european, from-the-future, future-crimes, gregory, gregory markel, online-paper, organized-crime, playstation, protector, reputation, week
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