READ THE DESCRIPTION FOR QUICK INSTRUCTIONS! To Install and Play: 1. Install Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 (free from at You can probably do this as well using VirtualBox (also free, from If you’re not familiar with installing Windows 98 in a virtual machine, here (http is somebody giving a walkthrough on how to do that, step-by-step. 2. Install Windows 98 Second Edition (ideally) as a virtual machine (you need to have the media, this is NOT free). I gave my virtual machine 128 MB of RAM, which is a pretty good amount for Windows 98. 3. Install DirectX 7+ or higher (I used DirectX 8.1, which I got from 4. Install glide wrappers ( and get them running. I used dgVoodoo 1.53 Beta 2. 5. Find CloneCD images of the original CDs (CCD files with IMG and SUB files). Do NOT ask me where to get these. I don’t do that. I don’t condone it or offer you any help in regards to this issue. You are 100% on your own. I bought this game years ago, so I don’t feel bad about “finding” it elsewhere, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to help others find it. 6. Install Daemon Tools 3.47 for Windows 98 (lots of hosts, here’s one (http 7. Change the CD letter of the physical CD/DVD drive of Windows from D to E (or E to F, etc.) so that the fake Daemon Tools CD/DVD drive will show up, alphabetically, as the first CD/DVD drive in Windows (requires a reboot). 8. Mount the first CD and install the game. 9 …