February 28, 2013
This is a review of Corsair’s new Air Series Fans. With a comparison between the original H100 fans and the SP120 Quiet and SP120 High Performance Edition Fans. SP120 High Performance Edition Additional Info – After filming this video I lowered the RPM of the Performance Edition to the same RPM as the quiet edition. To my ears there was no audible difference between the two editions and having the same fan design they created the same amount of air. Meaning you can just buy the Performance edition and use a fan controller to lower the noise. However the Quiet Edition does have a lower starting RPM so if you want to be able to really slow down the fans for near complete silence then go with the Quiet Edition. GS800 Review (perfect for a themed rig): www.youtube.com Please subscribe: www.youtube.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com Available here: (UK) tinyurl.com (Aria) (US) tinyurl.com (Amazon) Thanks for watching 🙂
Tags: computer repair, down-the-fans, facebook, fan-controller, having-the-same, lower-starting, lowered-the-rpm, near-complete, performance, quiet, review, science & technology, video
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
February 25, 2013
gdiblog.homebusinessopportunity.ws The “Urgent Google Fix” SEO Report & Script In order to get the most out of both the Google fix script and the SEO report – we highly recommend that you follow the 4 simple steps below to access it all… Step 1: Read The “Urgent Google Fix” SEO Report Not only will the report give you the background information necessary to understand why and how the Google fix script works as well as it does. The report will also reveal 4 critical Common Sense SEO steps that anyone looking to build traffic to their blogs need to follow. ================ SEO,Free SEO Traffic ================ Step 2: Watch The Video & Install The Script On Your Blogs The video below will guide you step-by-step through how to add the Google SEO Fix Script to your blogs and sites… =========================== Free Traffic,Home Business System =========================== I would like to invite you over to our facebook page to find out even more tips you can use right away to get Free SEO Traffic. www.facebook.com
Tags: background, both-the-google, business, business-system, common-sense, facebook, script, seo, seo tips, the-background, urgent-google, video, will-the-report, works-as-well
Posted in Internet Marketing, SEO | No Comments »
February 23, 2013
This video will ONLY WORK with Late-2009 iMac models with the Atheros Wi-Fi chip version 3.2. Each time you upgrade to a newer version of Mac OS X, you will have to perform the tutorial displayed in this video again. This tutorial will not work with any other models. Comments asking about any other models will not be answered. *NOTE* Performing this downgrade WILL remove AirDrop capabilities from your Mac. *CLICK HERE TO READ MORE* Rys Sommefeldt: bit.ly Full TechInform Post: techinform.us Useful Links: Sponsor: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com Vlog Channel: www.youtube.com Facebook Page: fb.me Twitter: bit.ly Tumblr: www.joethetechie.tumblr.com The Site www.TechInform.us TechIn5 – Official TechInform.us Podcast bit.ly Site Twitter: www.twitter.com
Tags: atheros, chip-version, downgrade, facebook, inform-post, inform-us-tech, models, official-tech, podcast, science & technology, software problems, tutorial, twitter
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 23, 2013
Sorry for the crappy quality.. I was using a old video camera that only shot at 4:3 aspect ratio and is a point and shoot. Anyways.. I bought the Sandisk Extreme because it was faster.. more reliable and all more rugged. I have found the card to be very fast over my Transcend card. However.. I have ran into issues with the card not always working in my camera and some how Sandisk said they were reliable.. that doesn’t seem reliable to me.. now doesn’t it? So I might be switching to a Lexar Pro card.. even though it is slightly slow than the Sandisk.. it may work better with the D7000 than the Sandisk. I’m not sure why these Sandisk Extremes doesn’t want to work with D7000’s.. I guess they just don’t like them. But the reason why I wanted a new memory card is because the transcend card is very slow at transferring the images camera to the computer. The Sandisk was super fast. I also got it because it was more rugged as I tend to drop these little buggers a lot. So I will probably be sending it back to B&H to get a replacement OR get a Lexar Pro. Social Networks & Websites Blog & Portfolio: nickerwin.com Twitter twitter.com Google Plus: gplus.to Facebook: facebook.com Flickr: flickr.com Last.fm: last.fm
Tags: diy, facebook, flickr, quick-or-simple, sandisk-extreme, social-networks, time, transcend
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
February 22, 2013
1:44 – My competitor ranks higher due to Facebook likes? (red) 8:56 – After using the Disavow tools successfully the links came back? (red) 11:17 – Can someone recommend some SEO’s to help us? 18:16 – Is multi-lingual content on the same site duplicates? (red) 19:42 – Whats Google’s stance on alt and title tags for images? 22:37 – Can anyone recommend the best Organic SEO company? 24:53 – After 17Jan the company lost it’s ranking on majority of keywords? 39:40 – What is the difference between google analytics and GWT? 46:42 – Are there any SEO plugins for wordpress that you feel are beneficial? 53:32 – Is this a topic for our Autocrat’s Article Review category? 55:08 – Does removing content cause a robots.txt error? (red) 59:56 – How to Grow CTR of ads, adgroups and campaigns? 1:12:32 – Reputation management and your own morals? (red)
Tags: article, article-review, autocrat, between-google, disavow, facebook, howto & style, marketing, organic, seo, stance-on-alt, the-difference
Posted in Internet Marketing, SEO | No Comments »
February 22, 2013
Wanna learn YouTube SEO or video SEO? I have one of the best guest stars ever today! X0X0 Renae. richmombusiness.com ♥♥♥ Mentions ♥♥♥ VidiSEO | http ♥♥♥ Free Product Reviews ♥♥♥ Send me your products to review or for a blog giveaway on my own blog. Throw in a 20% permanent discount for my forum members and you’ll get even more business. Renae Christine 6935 Aliante Pkwy. Ste. #104-273 Las Vegas, NV 89084 ♥♥♥ Connect ♥♥♥ ♥ Mompreneurs Blog: RichMomBusiness.com ♥ WAHM Forum richmombusiness.com ♥ Behind the Scenes: instagram.com ♥ Twitter: twitter.com ♥ Facebook: facebook.com ♥ Pinterest: pinterest.com ♥ Boutique: richmombusiness.com ♥ My daughter’s vlog: www.youtube.com ————————————————— Tags: youtube seo, vidiseo, matt ballek, video seo, seo for video, seo for youtube, video optimization, renae christine, rich mom, rich mom business, mompreneurs, mompreneur, work at home mom, discounts, work at home mom, mummy vlog, beauty vlog, daily vlog, work from home mom blog, mom blogs, mom blog, blog mom, mom blog society, mom’s blog, mom style blog, stay at home mom blogs, product review blog, product review vlog, product reviews
Tags: facebook, forum, guest-stars, home-mom, howto & style, mompreneurs, product-review, products, scenes, seo, work-at-home, your-products
Posted in Internet Marketing, SEO | No Comments »
February 22, 2013
How to set up wireless for Dell Axim. You may also need to change settings on your router to make a connection. Your router must be set to “B and G” mode or “Mixed” mode and your wep key must match the one in the router.
Tags: facebook, key-must, match-the-one, router, router-must, science & technology, social, social-links, stations-check
Posted in Wireless Network Setup | No Comments »
February 22, 2013
A quick walk through of the set up process of creating an extended wireless network using 2 Apple Airport Express base stations and an Apple Time Capsule. This is not limited to this devices and can be done using any combination of Apple devices such as 3 or 2 Airport Express Base Stations or 2 Time Capsules or Airport Extreme Base Stations. Check out my Social Links Below:- Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com Google+: gplus.to Instagram: statigr.am Thanks for watching!
Tags: airport-express, airport-extreme, apple-airport, base-stations, facebook, science & technology, social, social-links, stations-check, wireless internet setup
Posted in Wireless Network Setup | No Comments »
February 21, 2013
Hello hello hello. Basically, I found out why my laptop would lag like hell sometimes, especially during livestreams and casts. Turns out there’s this thing called svchost, quite an annoying little prick. Anyways, if there’s any problem that you have, feel free to ask me, I’ll try to figure it out. Maybe it’s something that we can all benefit from. … SUBSCRIBE for more tech… Stuff, and for more gaming related videos. Alternatively, I do have a Facebook page: facebook.com/Magicion88Gaming. Do check it out, I post things there every so often.
Tags: called-svchost, check-it-out, facebook, figure-it-out, hell-sometimes, laptop, more-gaming, science & technology, slow working computer, thing
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
This video will show you how to manually update to the official Android 4.1.1 JB build on the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III. No data will be wiped. Any questions, just ask! Thanks for watching. Download: www.qbking77.com For rooted users, How to install stock recovery: www.youtube.com How to Root: www.qbking77.com REVIEW of LG7: www.youtube.com If you’d like to donate, please click here: www.paypal.com All donations go to my college fund and will be greatly appreciated 🙂 Every little bit helps! Check out my website! www.qbking77.com Like me on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com Add me on Google Plus: plus.google.com
Tags: college, college-fund, facebook, fix, google-plus, manually-update, nokia, nokia-lumia, software problems, sprint-samsung, the-official, think-the-bulk, video, written
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »