Here is my 15 minute video on how to set up a server, But it’s not a 15 minute video on how to install it. if i didn’t show game play it’ll be a 8 minute video. But Thank you all for your Support! ——————————————————————————- (Links) Minecraft.net www.minecraft.net (Optional) Hamachi (download unmanaged) secure.logmein.com —————————————————————————– (Direct Server Downloads) -Minecraft_Server.exe (Windows Xp Vista, 7, Etc ) s3.amazonaws.com -Minecraft_Server.jar (Mac & Linux) s3.amazonaws.com ————————————————————————— Like Us On Facebook! www.facebook.com ————–Common Problems/ Questions———————- 1) Minecraft.net isn’t working! -try again later 2) My mods don’t work on the server -some mods aren’t meant to work on a server 3) my friends can’t join – make sure they added your network in Hamachi (if your using it). Make sure that you put hamachi’s IP inside the server properties file. and make sure “online-mode=true” 4) it’s laggy – it depends on how well your computer is, like your computers memory and performance. 5) Does Hamachi work on Laptops? -Yes Tags: Minecraft Beta 1.8.1 Server Setup new cool SCMowns updated 1.8 online software Hamachi free how to install howto multiplayer play windows XP non portforwarding no PF portforward tutorial computer game “software tutorial”