Computer viruses are the most dreaded inhabitants of the digital world! Here’s how to kill them dead. Visit my security center for more detailed tips: http:/…
Computer viruses are the most dreaded inhabitants of the digital world! Here’s how to kill them dead. Visit my security center for more detailed tips: http:/…
Tags: detailed-tips, digital, dreaded-inhabitants, science & technology, security, security-center, the-digital, the-most, tips, virus removal
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Bethesda and id software launched RAGE on Tuesday, Oct 4th, however many PC users are complaining about framerate stuttering, texture pop-in, and many other performance issues. Luckily, the gaming community is quickly discovering some work-arounds until id releases its first patch. Watch this video to learn how to: 1. Apply GPU Transcoding options for high-end graphics cards 2. Create a game cache folder that RAGE most likely forgot to create during installation 3. For nVidia GeForce users, tweak your GPU hardware settings (vertical sync) in the nVidia Control Panel UPDATED NEWS: ———————— October 6th: You can also add some launch options to the game if you have purchased the Steam version: 1. In your Steam library, right click RAGE, click Properties, and click the Set Launch Options button. 2. Paste in this launch options string: +cvaradd g_fov 12 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +image_anisotropy 16 +image_usecompression 0 +g_showplayershadow 1 +m_smooth 1 3. Click OK. This string changes a number of things. Most importantly, it disables the compression of textures, which hogs more memory but allows the textures to load significantly faster and with less fps stuttering. If this is the only feature that interests you, then you can add just that particular option instead of the whole string. October 9th: id Software has released its first PC patch. Make sure that you download and patch your copy of RAGE. This patch enables many of the options that were manually being …
Tags: anti virus, download-free, education, frame, free-at-link, gaming, panel, popin, Problems, security-center, texture, texture-pop-in, virus-terbaru
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
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