Troubleshooting steps to fix the ‘No audio output device is installed’ error message and other ‘Sound’ issues in Windows® computers. Found it helpful? Click clicktotweet.com to Tweet it. Also, like and share it to help others. If you are facing sound/audio issues in Microsoft® Windows®, and you’ve made sure that the audio is not ‘muted’ and that the volume is set high enough by clicking on the ‘speaker’ icon in the bottom right corner, try these steps. If the problem persists, the issue is likely to be hardware-related. NOTE: Uninstalling a driver is generally a non-reversible process. Make sure you create a System Restore point before uninstalling drivers so that the process can be reverted if required. If you need expert help with tech issues, call iYogi™ at the toll-free helpline 1-877-524-9644 if you are calling from the US or Canada. In case, you are calling from the UK, call us at 0-800-635-0761 and receive round the clock tech support for fixing tech issues.iYogi warrants that the content in this video is provided on an “as is” basis with no express or implied warranties whatsoever. Any reference of any third party logos, brand names, trademarks, services marks, trade names, trade dress and copyrights shall not imply any affiliation to such third parties, unless expressly specified. Visit our channel: www.youtube.com Subscribe to stay updated: www.youtube.com