February 20, 2013
I take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in my life good and bad! But I was not always like that! Back in the day when something GOOD happen to me I would always be the first one to say that yeah that was me and that I was totally responsible for it. But when something BAD happened to me and believe me a lot of those occurred. I would always either find or try to find something or someone to blame my problem on. It was always not my fault and it was always blamed on someone or something. I never took responsibility for my actions. I did this for most of my life, but the thing that really turned my life around was when I took 100% Responsibility for my actions, my life, my business, everything! You see once you start blaming your life and circumstances on everyone else and start taking 100% responsibility for everything in your life. You will be surprised that things will start to change for the better. Why you may ask? Because when you realize that you are in control of your own life, business, what ever that may be. You and only you are the one to blame if something bad happens or some bad circumstance occurs to you. When you know that you are 100% responsible you will start to do things in your life that are going to put you in good situations and you will take actions that are going to move you forward in your life and business. The positive things, the positive people, the positive circumstances will start to pile up in your life and it is because you …
Tags: actions, business, do it your self, everyone-else, find-or-try, find-something, good-situations, life, positive, really-turned, responsibility, something-bad, the-positive, your life
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
June 7, 2012
Announcement: Thank you so much to SimplyGH for clipping this for me! I’m having major computer problems so I’m probably going to be late with posting clips next week or I might not be able to post clips until much later. I’m hoping to get everything solved by the end of next week, but we’ll see. In the meantime, I’m slow at replying back to people. These were probably the last Latte scenes (*sniff-sniff*) and given my computer situation, I’m not going to be uploading anymore Liz clips unless there’s a mention of Matt. I will finish clipping Matt’s exit storyline though. I was planning on stopping the Liz clips anyway after Matt stopped airing, because I want to take a step back from the current GH and I need a break from having the responsibility of uploading daily soap clips on time. There are amazing Liz clippers elsewhere on YT though. Also, I did just get a new HD tuner to connect to my satellite box. I’m aiming to clip the Liz scenes from the Soapnet GH reruns. So if you’re interested in Liz clips from a few years back, be on the lookout for that eventually after I get my computer situation figured out and I can hopefully get my new tuner working. General Hospital – May 29, 2012 – Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) and Matt Hunter (Jason Cook) scenes www.4shared.com
Tags: computer repair, current, entertainment, exit-storyline, general hospital, get-everything, jason-cook, liz, probably-going, rebecca-herbst, responsibility, satellite, soapnet, stopped-airing
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »