February 27, 2013
bit.ly – EnGenius Wireless Range Expander Setup. EnGenius Technologies, the leader in long-range wireless home networking products, announced the introduction of the ERB9250, the market’s only consumer wireless range expander that uses the latest wireless N standard. The ERB9250 wireless range expander offers the consumer the ability to easily expand the range of their current home wireless network without sacrificing power or speed.
Tags: ability, consumer, current, erb9250, genius-wireless, home-networking, introduction, latest-wireless, only-consumer, power-or-speed, range-expander, wireless-range
Posted in Wireless Network Setup | No Comments »
October 18, 2012
www.dslrfilmnoob.com I’ve been getting a lot of request to see this little monitor up close. I didn’t have a chance after putting this together to film this monitor in use. So here you are. I will note that it’s hard to properly expose a video monitor, and the color ends up looking a little bit blown out in parts of this video. In its defense, this monitor looks just fine. Are the colors perfect? Probably not, but this monitor does a great job for its size and price. My cellphone is heavier then this monitor which means no real extra weight added to your current setup. In fact you could probably get away with mounting this and a microphone on your camera’s hot shoe without any problems. If you still have questions about this monitor just send me a message and I’ll see if I can help you out. Equipment used in this video: Canon 7d & t2i Canon 35mm f1.4 Canon 50mm f1.4 Zoom H1 CPM FILM TOOLS camera rig
Tags: above-procedure, computer-video, current, easily-because, lcd, little-monitor, monitor problem, video, video not working
Posted in Monitor Problem | No Comments »
September 12, 2012
See a new AT&T ThreatTraq every week at www.att.com AT&T Data Security Analysts Brian Rexroad, Jim Clausing, John Markley and John Hogoboom discuss the week’s top cyber security news, and share news on the current trends of malware, spam, and internet anomalies observed on the AT&T Network. Topics 0:37 – Problems with the Java 7 0-day exploit 7:22 – Public vs. Private Sharing – effective ways that government and private institutions can work together to successfully share network security information 26:57 – The Internet Weather Report – more on DVRbot activity, ZeroAccess P2P probing on 1465/udp, 16470/udp, 16471/upd and 16464/udp. Port of interest this week: 37/udp Originally recorded September 6, 2012. AT&T ThreatTraq welcomes your e-mail questions and feedback at threattraq@list.att.com
Tags: current, do it your self, dvrbot, exploit, government, more-on-dvrbot, network-topics, private, private-sharing, public, security, week, week-at-www
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
June 7, 2012
Announcement: Thank you so much to SimplyGH for clipping this for me! I’m having major computer problems so I’m probably going to be late with posting clips next week or I might not be able to post clips until much later. I’m hoping to get everything solved by the end of next week, but we’ll see. In the meantime, I’m slow at replying back to people. These were probably the last Latte scenes (*sniff-sniff*) and given my computer situation, I’m not going to be uploading anymore Liz clips unless there’s a mention of Matt. I will finish clipping Matt’s exit storyline though. I was planning on stopping the Liz clips anyway after Matt stopped airing, because I want to take a step back from the current GH and I need a break from having the responsibility of uploading daily soap clips on time. There are amazing Liz clippers elsewhere on YT though. Also, I did just get a new HD tuner to connect to my satellite box. I’m aiming to clip the Liz scenes from the Soapnet GH reruns. So if you’re interested in Liz clips from a few years back, be on the lookout for that eventually after I get my computer situation figured out and I can hopefully get my new tuner working. General Hospital – May 29, 2012 – Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) and Matt Hunter (Jason Cook) scenes www.4shared.com
Tags: computer repair, current, entertainment, exit-storyline, general hospital, get-everything, jason-cook, liz, probably-going, rebecca-herbst, responsibility, satellite, soapnet, stopped-airing
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
September 26, 2011
www.chinabuye.com Quick Overview Using this KWP2000 Plus, you can read and analyze your current ECU software; upgrade the ECU software with re-mapped file; and repair ECUs with software problems or corruption.
Tags: car accessories, car diagnostic, car ecu tools, car repair, current, diy, ecu flash, ecu flasher, ecu programmer, ecu tuning, fix, quick-overview, re-mapped-file, science & technology, upgrade-the-ecu
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
June 16, 2011
I am looking for help with an annoying PC problem. My PSU test results are: Purple: 5.02v Green: 5.00v** Grey: 5.10v on power on Red: 5.10v on power on Orange: 3.38v on power on* Yellow: 11.74v *This is the anomaly I can see. It is too low. What would this low voltage cause? ** Is Green too high? Orange is 0.07v when no power is connected (?) and 0.19v when off but power connected. I also measured the V on the power switch jumper. This read 0.93v. Is this too low? I measured the current by removing the AC cord, disconnect the power connectors and attaching the meter leads to green and black. After reconnecting the AC cord the reading was 0.14. So motherboard problem or PSU? Any ideas please message me! 🙂
Tags: anomaly, current, electricity, how to fix, motherboard problem, power-on-orange, power-on-red, problem, shooting, test-results, voltage, voltmeter
Posted in Motherboard Problem | No Comments »