Continuing with SOCKS5, SSH, Public Key Pairs and fingerprints, Darren and Shannon use SSH to create a secure remotely mounted network filesystem with implementations in both Windows and Linux. Using the SSHFS utility we’re able to mount a remote filesystem. Since we already have a secure tunnel to our server over SSH, which we’ve been thus far using as a SOCKS5 proxy, we’re now able to store files securely online with the same mechanism. Using FUSE, or File System in User Space, we’re able to achieve this without the need to load kernel modules — a process which would require superuser privileges. If you’re into Hak5 you’ll love our new show by hosts Darren Kitchen and Shannon Morse. Check out www.revision3.com Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, www.revision3.com is essential viewing for current and aspiring hackers, computer enthusiasts, and IT professionals. With a how-to approach to all things Information Technology, HakTip breaks down the core concepts, tools, and techniques of Linux, Wireless Networks, Systems Administration, and more. And let’s not forget to mention that you can follow us on www.twitter.com and www.facebook.com revision3.com to the show and get all your Hak5 goodies, including the infamous wifi-pineapple over at hakshop.com . If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us at feedback@hak5.org.