![Boot Screen for windows 7](http://computerrepairspot.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/0665e9ebf50.jpg-150x112.jpg)
You can download boot screen here: adf.ly Software that will change your boot screen: adf.ly Plase like and comment. Thx. If link is not working please pm me . Enjoy!!! www.windows7bootscreens.com
Welcome to my first tutorial. First of all, I try in this video to make my best so please,don’t be mad with me 🙂 I know there is’nt many video about that on youtube so I guest I will really help you guys out. Like I say in the video, if you harm you’r computer, it is NOT my fault. Another thing that I want to say is that my english suck. I am a french speaker so don’t show me my spelling errors. I know it’s full of them in the video 😛 I’m not the best editor too, so please, forgive me about the quality of the video/explaining. I’m using a Windows 7 Family Edition Premium Sevice Pack 1. If you have any question or suggestion so my video will be more precised, tell me please ! Thank you and have a nice modded boot screen 😉 **Link to download Windows 7 Boot Updater** www.coderforlife.com **Link to download EA Boot Screen (the one I use)** browse.deviantart.com **Link To download MAC Boot Screen** browse.deviantart.com **Link To download Boots Screens** www.deviantart.com -EXTRA TAGS- How To Change Windows 7 Boot Screen free full version computer tutorial vista xp mod mods hack register logon screen logo template devientart bs7 files tricks english link download errors problems 2canetteman songs mac miller desktop pc linux harm website updater bootscreen boot software internet firefox reg where