February 16, 2012
Go here for the new retail release comparison, benchmark and multiplayer maps on ultra settings. www.youtube.com This was filmed with with the lowest settings and resolution and then with the highest settings and resolution. Custom Built Gamer PC Gigabyte Z68X-UD4-B3 i5 2500k Sandybridge @ 3.4Ghz x 4 8GB 1600 Ripjaw Memory Sapphire HD 6950 2gb Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Software: FRAPS for recording Sony Vegas 10 and After Effects for editing
Tags: 1280, 6870, case, custom-built, end, graphics, highest, maps-on-ultra, mid, nvidia, radeon, television, the-highest, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 2, 2012
Having problems? Visit this video to see if it will help you out! www.youtube.com Minecraft_server.jar: www.minecraft.net Craftbukkit Server(for mods): ci.bukkit.org 64 Bit: @ECHO OFF “%ProgramFiles(x86)%Javajre6binjava.exe” -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-1.0.1-R1.jar PAUSE 32Bit: @ECHO OFF “%ProgramFiles%Javajre6binjava.exe” -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-1.0.1-R1.jar PAUSE verify-names=false This video shows you how to: -make a minecraft server the easiest and BEST way! -How to port forward like a pro -some basic terminal commands..like a boss -A BEAST server -Some cool ip adress information Hope you guys learned a lot! Check out my video on how to do this on a mac!! www.youtube.com My Texture Pack (Misa HD): www.minecraftforum.net
Tags: basic, basic-terminal, bitter, computers, end, milk, minecraft, port-forward, runescape, star, texture, time
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »