Facebook Outage Equals Opportunity for Some Brands | Web Design and Internet Marketing Firm Beverly Hills : As any brand will tell you, a critical factor in successful online marketing is the ability to capitalize on a potentially disastrous situation and use it to your advantage. That’s exactly what happened Monday morning when a widespread outage on Facebook caused the update status feature to malfunction, instigating what could have been a major headache for a number of brands that rely on the popular social media platform to help market their goods and services and interact with their customers. Instead, some brands recognized the real-time marketing opportunity that the disruption presented and immediately turned the Great Facebook Outage of 2013 into an opportunity to market their products and services. Here are 5 examples of brands that did not freak out and tried to create a marketing opportunity out of the widespread Facebook disruption… http://www.websitegrowth.com/facebook-outage-equals-opportunity-for-some-brands
Posts Tagged ‘ critical-factor ’
Facebook Outage Equals Opportunity for Some Brands | Web Design and Internet Marketing Firm Beverly Hills
Scentsy Reviews Point To One Critical Factor That You MUST Know

Culmination of Scentsy reviews and the one critical factor that popped up as the reason why some succeeded – marketingwithjake.com In short, all of the Scentsy reviews point to it being a solid company and I couldn’t find any negative claims that were actually substantiated. All negative chatter were mainly from previous distributors that didn’t have a lot of success because they didn’t know how to find prospects or they were just general “debbie downers.” If you are looking to join Scentsy then there is no reason to hesitate. The main reason that I found for why some Scentsy consultants were very successful and others struggled was simply due to having enough qualified prospects to talk to about the business. Network marketing in general is a numbers game, so the more people you have to talk to about your business then the more successful you will be. If you would like to find out how to generate an endless stream of prospects to talk to then you can visit this link by clicking on it now – marketingwithjake.com Just as I talk about in the video, you can actually use the internet as a source to generate prospects to talk to about Scentsy. Remember, having enough people to talk to was the main determining factor for success in most cases. What’s cool is that you can learn how to get people to come to you rather than trying to chase them down which takes the daily struggle out of the equation and makes your life run smoother. For training on how to use the internet to …